Monday, September 30, 2019

An Ethical View Essay

Moral and ethical viewpoints are often shaped and molded by your society; learning to respect others, tolerance, my family, church, co-workers, past and present life experiences has influenced my moral and ethical viewpoints. Knowing right from wrong and how to treat others has been the †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.in this process. I. Influences on My Moral and Ethical Development A. My family/environment (Moral development) 1. Tolerance 2. Forgiveness and being honest B. Ethical development (Church/work) 1. topic/idea for paper 2. topic/idea for paper II. Experiences that Contributed to My Personal and Professional Development A. Life and Death 1. Marriage at an early age 2. Life experiences/lessons (murder of my spouse, single parent, setbacks,) B. Professional Development 1. School/instructors 2. Co-workers 3. past employment experiences This paper will display a brief synopsis of the elements that has influenced my moral and ethical development as well as, discuss counseling issues and the ethical codes used to resolve the issues, and I will explain how I have changed because of my work in this class. I developed a true sense of right and wrong at an early age, as a kid I was very adventurous and would do things just to see how far my parents, grandparents, or aunts/ uncles would allow me to go before chastisement came into play. I remember one incident as if it was yesterday, when I was seven I would watch one of my eldest aunts obtain a cigarette from the package (Virginia Slims), her lighter, light her cigarette, and began to smoke it; she would make smoke rings for me. One day I decided that I would mimic my aunt’s actions and smoke a cigarette, my grandmother caught me smoking the cigarette. She did not spank me as I thought that would have been a fair form of disciplinary resolution for my actions, she wanted me to know just how unhealthy smoking cigarettes was for me so, she made me call my mother and father, aunts, uncles, and cousins and tell them what I had done. From that moment until now I have never touched another cigarette and that’s when the real less ons of what was right and wrong began. Being the eldest of five children born to a single parent mother I learned at an early age about charity and helping those in need; my mother taught me about sacrifice at an early age even though I did not understand it then I have a firm grasp on the concept of sacrifice in my adult life. Growing up in my grandparentsgrandparents’ home I did not understand what beingthe definition of poverty or what being poor really meant because my grandparents were always so eager to feed everyone in the community, it wasn’t until my mother decided that she did not want to live under my grandparents roof and abide by their rules was when the knowledge of poverty settled in; my grandparents were very active in their Christian faith, they believed that God blessed you so, you should be a blessing to others and they always welcomed the needy into their home to share our meals on a consistent basis. My family being my environment has taught me the basics about morals and values; Kohlber g’s Moral Development stages Stage 1 = infancy—the child’s only sense of right and wrong is what feels good or bad; Stage 2 = toddler years—the child learns â€Å"right† and â€Å"wrong† from what she or he is told by others; Stage 3 = preschool years—the child begins to internalize family values as his or her own, and begins to perceive the consequences of his or her behavior; Stage 4 = ages 7-10 years—the child begins to question the infallibility of parents, teachers, and other adults, and develops a strong sense of â€Å"should† and â€Å"should not† Stage 5 = preteen and teenage years—peers, rather than adults, become of ultimate importance to the child, who begins to try on different values systems to see which fits best; teens also become more aware of and concerned with the larger society, and begin to reason more abstractly about â€Å"right† and â€Å"wrong.† Read more: Moral Development – STAGES OF MORAL DEVELOPMENT – Lawrence Kohlberg, Mean Example, Morality, and Social – JRank Articles III. Experiences that Contributed to My Personal and Professional Development C. Life and Death 1. Marriage at an early age 2. Life experiences/lessons (murder of my spouse, single parent, setbacks,) D. Professional Development 1. School/instructors 2. Co-workers 3. Pastpast employment experiences For this application, you were asked to develop an outline for the final project. There were four topics that you were to consider, including influences on your moral and ethical development; experiences that contributed to your personal and professional development; legal and ethical issues in counseling; and reflection. Nice job giving thought to these areas. Looks like you have some thoughts for your final project. Looking forward to a little more detail on your next submission and looking forward to reading your final project! In order to understand clearly where you are headed, you must also evaluate where you have been and what has influenced you along the way. It is important to reflect critically upon your own values (and sense of personal/professional ethics) and how you developed these perspectives in order to develop an ethical framework. To help accomplish this goal, the Final Project for this course is an Ethical Autobiography in which you will explore various elements of your life experiences that might influence your future ethical framework. As you reflect on your journey through this class, some of the course readings may have informed your Ethical Autobiography. You can also make use of outside resources, but much of the paper will be exploring what you bring to the profession and events that may have influenced your ethical lens. This reflective autobiography should have personal meaning to you and should help you understand what being an ethical practitioner means. In this sense, you are writing an intellectual and Ethical Autobiography, that is, who you are as virtue of what you believe, what you do, and what you have read. Think broadly—there are no wrong answers; you are exploring your own world Some examples of questions/issues that you can address: †¢ You may share how you developed a sense of right and wrong. †¢ Who/what influenced your moral and ethical development? †¢ What experiences contributed to your personal and professional beliefs? Are your personal and professional beliefs congruent? †¢ What is your idea of right and wrong? Are there absolutes or are there shades of gray? Do the same guidelines apply in all circumstances? †¢ What are some of your basic values that guide your work and your life? What experiences have potentially influenced your decision making? †¢ What aspects of your personality and work ethic are most compatible with the counseling field? Which aspects are the least compatible? †¢ Was there a time, in your personal or professional life, when you felt that your confidentiality was violated, that you were involved in a dual relationship in which you felt uncomfortable, or perhaps an issue resonated unexpectedly with you (e.g., transference)? Essential Elements (You m ust address the points outlined below in your Final Project.): †¢ Select four counseling issues, describe these issues, and explain potential ethical challenges for addressing these issues in your professional practice. †¢ Explain state or region laws or statutes that might apply to these ethical challenges. †¢ Reference specific codes of ethics that you ascribe to for your practice and how adhering to ethics and law present challenges for addressing these issues you selected. †¢ Explain why this Assignment is meaningful to you. †¢ Describe how adhering to ethics and law for professional counseling practice might influence social change. †¢ Finally, explain how you have changed because of your work in this class. Describe personal and ethical values you have reexamined because of your work in this course. You should present your Final Project as a 12- to 15-page (including cover page, abstract, and references—therefore, approximately 10–12 pages of text), double-spaced, APA-formatted paper. Papers can be longeriflonger if the purpose of the paper is served, but the quality ofideasof ideas and conciseness of the writing should justify the extra length. Also, please proofread yourpapersyour papers to make sure that grammar, punctuation, and other mistakes do not hinder thecommunicationthe communication of your ideas. This paper will display a brief synopsis of the elements that has influenced my moral and ethical development as well as, discuss counseling issues and the ethical codes us ed to resolve the issues, and I will explain how I have changed because of my work in this class. I developed a true sense of right and wrong at an early age, as a kid I was very adventurous and would do things just to see how far my parents, grandparents, or aunts/ uncles would allow me to go before chastisement came into play. I remember one incident as if it was yesterday, when I was seven I would watch one of my eldest aunts obtain a cigarette from the package (Virginia Slims), her lighter, light her cigarette, and began to smoke it; she would make smoke rings for me. One day I decided that I would mimic my aunt’s actions and smoke a cigarette, my grandmother caught me smoking the cigarette. She did not spank me as I thought that would have been a fair form of disciplinary resolution for my actions, she wanted me to know just how unhealthy smoking cigarettes was for me so, she made me call my mother and father, aunts, uncles, and cousins and tell them what I had done. From that moment until now I have never touched another cigarette and that’s when the real less ons of what was right and wrong began. Being the eldest of five children born to a single parent mother I learned at an early age about charity and helping those in need; my mother taught me about sacrifice at an early age even though I did not understand it then I have a firm grasp on the concept of sacrifice in my adult life. Growing up in my grandparents’ home I did not understand the definition of poverty or what being poor really meant because my grandparents were always so eager to feed everyone in the community, it wasn’t until my mother decided that she did not want to live under my grandparents roof and abide by their rules was when the knowledge of poverty settled in; my grandparents were very active in their Christian faith, they believed that God blessed you so, you should be a blessing to others and they always welcomed the needy into their home to share our meals on a consistent basis. My family being my environment has taught me the basics about morals and values; Kohlberg’s Moral Development stages Stage 1 = infancy—the child’s only sense of right and wrong is what feels good or bad; Stage 2 = toddler years—the child learns â€Å"right† and â€Å"wrong† from what she or he is told by others; Stage 3 = preschool years—the child begins to int ernalize family values as his or her own, and begins to perceive the consequences of his or her behavior; Stage 4 = ages 7-10 years—the child begins to question the infallibility of parents, teachers, and other adults, and develops a strong sense of â€Å"should† and â€Å"should not† Stage 5 = preteen and teenage years—peers, rather than adults, become of ultimate importance to the child, who begins to try on different values systems to see which fits best; teens also become more aware of and concerned with the larger society, and begin to reason more abstractly about â€Å"right† and â€Å"wrong.† Read more: Moral Development – STAGES OF MORAL DEVELOPMENT – Lawrence Kohlberg, Mean Example, Morality, and Social – JRank Articles Counseling Issues Duty to ‘Warn and Protect’ not in Texas is one counseling issue that I am concerned about; what concerns me the most about this statue is According to the Texas Laws mental health counselors do not have a duty to warn nor protect third parties or intended victims once a client has made specific threats to harm the individual. This law was designed to protect mental health counselors from being responsible for notifying anyone of intended harm. â€Å"The statue classifies communications between a mental health professional(s) and their client(s) as confidential and prohibits mental-health professionals from disclosing them to the third party unless an exception applies.† (FN17)(Texas Supreme Court, 1999). The exceptions to the law are: â€Å"reporting child abuse or neglect, reporting HIV status to a spouse, medical personnel, or law enforcement, and report imminent danger to police officer if the client poses a threat to him/herself or others.† (The Family Code, section 261.101(a-c) (Texas Supreme Court, 1999). In the case Thapar v. Zezulka, rendered by the Texas Supreme Court in 1999, stipulated that mental health providers do not incur a duty to warn and protect (Dalrymple, 1999; Grinfeld, 1999; Texas Supreme Court, 1999). Specifically, the opinion written for a unanimous court by Justice Craig T. Enoch stated that, â€Å"we refrain from imposing on mental health professionals a duty to warn third parties of a patient’s threats† (FN1) (Texas Supreme Court, 199 9). By implementing several of the Ethical Decision Models (Rational Model, Collaborative Model, and Integrative Model), I believe a peaceful resolution can be accomplished when a counselor is faced with the ethical decision of whether to inform a third party that intended harm has been conveyed. Although the law in Texas states, â€Å"we as counselors are not obligated to warn nor protect a third party,† we can always defer to The Code of Ethics (2005) which states, â€Å"A.1.a. Primary Responsibility: The primary responsibility of counselors is to respect the dignity and to promote the welfare of clients. B.1.c. Respect for Confidentiality: Counselors do not share confidential information without client consent or without sound legal or ethical justification. B.2.a. Danger and Legal Requirements: The general requirement that counselors keep information confidential does not apply when disclosure is required to protect clients or identified others from serious harm.† (ACA Code of Ethics, 2005). Implementing an EDM, making reference to the ACA code of ethics, and consulting with a supervisor/colleagues will help the make a sound and ethical decision whether to warn or protect. Although the law in Texas states, â€Å"we as counselors are not obligated to warn nor protect a third party,† we can always defer to The Code of Ethics (2005) which states, â€Å"A.1.a. Primary Responsibility: The primary responsibility of counselors is to respect the dignity and to promote the welfare of clients. B.1.c. Respect for Confidentiality: Counselors do not share confidential information without client consent or without sound legal or ethical justification. B.2.a. Danger and Legal Requirements: The general requirement that counselors keep information confidential does not apply when disclosure is required to protect clients or identified others from serious harm.† (ACA Code of Ethics, 2005). Implementing an EDM, making reference to the ACA code of ethics, and consulting with a supervisor/colleagues will help the make a sound and ethical decision whether to warn or protect. Client confidentiality is another issue that I think would pose a problem for me as a counselor, upon reading the landmark case â€Å"United States of America, Plaintiff v. Robert Allen Romo (2005).† â€Å"This case arises out of a confession Romo made during a meeting with Donald LaPlante, the Program Director at the Dawson County Adult Correction and Detention Facility where Romo was incarcerated.   LaPlante is a licensed professional counselor whose job included providing inmates with psychological counseling and a host of other duties, ranging from arranging social events to providing classes and acting as a case manager.   Before the meeting that sparked the chain of events leading to Romo’s conviction, LaPlante had provided Romo with mental health treatment during voluntary counseling sessions.† (United States of America, Plaintiff v. Robert Allen Romo (2005) I realized that it does matter to clients if you discuss with them informed consent a nd confidentiality they can still file some sort of legal litigation against the counselor if they felt like the counselor violated any of their rights. Non-sexual relationship is one boundary issue I can foresee (providing counseling services to family members), pg 210. Counseling minors One ethical and legal challenge I think would be an issue for me is confidentiality; â€Å"knowing when and with whom to share the information the minor has shared in the counseling session.† Once you have built a rapport with the client you do not want to betray the trust of the client. The second issue would be parental rights and making sure the counselors has the client’s best interest at hand; when counseling minor clients it is best to make sure everything is explained on the first visit and that both the parent/legal guardian and client understands the details of the informed consent form. Since the laws vary from state to state, I know it would be beneficial for me as a counselor to use the following ACA Codes of Ethics to handle such issues: B.5.b.(Responsibility to Parents and Legal Guardians) states, â€Å" Counselors inform parents and legal guardians about the role of counselors and the confidential nature of the counseling relationship. Counselors are sensitive to the cultural diversity of families and respect the inherent rights and responsibilities of parents and guardians over the welfare of their children/charges according to the law. Counselors work to establish, as appropriate, collaborative relationships with parents/guardians to best serve the client.† (ACA Ethical Standards Casebook, 2006, p.35) B.5.c. (Release of Confidential Information) â€Å"When counseling minor clients counselors seek permission from an appropriate third party to disclose information. In such instances, counselors inform clients consistent with their level of understanding and take culturally appropriate measures to safeguard client confidentiality.† (ACA Ethical Standards Casebook, 2006, p.35)

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Book Analysis

David Mamet’s Bambi vs. Godzilla: On the Nature, Purpose, and Practice of the Movie Business is one of the latest books written by David Mamet. The book is about the sharp views that Mamet makes about the movie business and the inner doings of Hollywood. On 30th November 1947 Lenore June gave birth to a boy in Chicago who was named David Alan Mamet. Mamet’s mother Lenore June was a teacher and his father Bernard Morris who was an attorney. (Film Makers, Pp 1)Mamet is an American movie director, writer, novelist, dramatist, and a screenwriter.He is famous for his works which are well-known among people for their clever, short, and at times offensive dialogue and his mysterious styled phrasing sense. (Film Makers, Pp 1) Mamet has received a number of award nominations like he got nominated for Tony Award for Glengarry Glen Ross (1984) and Speed-the-Plow (1988). He was acknowledged with Oscar suggestion for Wag the Dog (1997) and The Verdict (1982) as a playwright. (Film M akers, Pp 1)Some of his recent books include The Old Religion written in1997, it is a novel about the execution of Leo Frank; Five Cities of Refuge: Weekly Reflections on Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy written in 2004, an explanation of the Torah, The Wicked Son written in 2006, contains a deep study of the Jewish self-hatred and anti-Semitism; and Bambi vs. Godzilla, a book having sour comments and is a collection of essays on the movie business. (Gabriel Steinfeld, Pp1) In this book Mamet gives us a revolutionary inside look at Hollywood from the point of view of a film-maker.The title brings together an impressive, arresting and a weird metaphor that is â€Å"Bambi vs. Godzilla,† which refers to an old underground small cartoon, with long and graceful subtitle which is expressed in more literary language that showed off his intelligence. The subtitle which is â€Å"On the Nature, Purpose, and Practice of the Movie Business† shows that this book is a collection of essays on different phases of film making which includes production, direction, behind-the-scene stories etc. The book consists of eight major sections and forty-odd short chapters.The eight major sections contains the titles such as â€Å"The Screenplay† ( this section provides the steps to effective skill writing), â€Å"Technique† , â€Å"Genre† and â€Å"Some Principles† are the sections that covers the areas of film criticism , â€Å"The Good People of Hollywood† (this section of the books covers dissimilar topics, that are mostly related to the power dynamics that take place behind the scenes of movies), â€Å"The Repressive Mechanism† (this section is somewhat freely linked by the subject of power and the relation of art to it), â€Å"Passing Judgment† ( this section covers the part of acting and criticism), â€Å"Crimes and Misdemeanors† (covers the portion of the cheats and the dishonesty that big na mes make in the Hollywood). (Gabriel Steinfeld, Pp1) He in details explains what happens at the studios, what happens during the shooting of a movie and various questions which arise in the mind of a common man.Mamet presents a clear-cut view of the deepest and the secret inner workings of the general movie industry and particularly concentrates on Hollywood in the book. Mamet provides entertaining, astonishing, and willingly gives the answers to questions about almost every portion of filmmaking, right from the concept to script and to the screen. (Gabriel Steinfeld, Pp1) Before Bambi vs. Godzilla Mamet wrote and directed a drama Spartan in 2004, which was very much mishandled by Warner Bros. they didn’t knew how to present this drama to audience so after a short period of time they dumped this drama. The way Spartan was handled and treated Mamet could be expected to reveal his anger and rage through this book he had for the studios and the film industry.Even though several of these pieces were written before the Spartan misfortune, Mamet showed his disapproval for the present structure and organization of conventional cinema and to show his disapproval he does not even waits for the main chapters to start he begins it from the introduction of the book. (Gabriel Steinfeld, Pp1) In the book Mamet covers a wide range of topics that range from â€Å"How Scripts Got So Bad† to the â€Å"Manners in Hollywood. † He takes us gradually through some of his personal favorite movie stunts and directorial tricks, and clearly in the film speaks aloud the fact that it is the craft and the crew that make great films not the actors and producers.He also tells the audience in the books that who are his preferred and much loved performers and what are his favorite films, according to him who he thinks is the most ideal actor that would bring elegance to the screen, and who he thinks should never have showed on screen. (Christopher Hirst, Pp1) Modern or Pos t-modern? Mamet was post-modern in his artistic perspective. He has used to portray art which is considered to be in disagreement to a number of features of modernization, or to have appeared or developed in its consequences. In common activities for instance inter-media, setting up art, theoretical art and multimedia, mainly connecting video are illustrated as postmodern.The qualities linked with the exploit of the expression postmodern in art incorporates bricolage, utilization of vocabulary significantly as the fundamental creative constituent, collage, generalization, misappropriation, representation of user or accepted civilization and presentation art. The book is written about the present situation of Hollywood. David Mamet speaks about the flaws of the film industry. His way of writing and his ideas clearly shows that he is a man of modern culture. He looks at the modern situation of the film industry and suggests ideas that could make drastic changes in the film industry of today and those would pertain in the future. The choice usually Mamet makes for his actors would be disapproved or ignored by the current film-makers but if they looked through Mamet’s point of view Hollywood would very soon start to produce well-crafted and outstanding movies of its time.(Christopher Hirst, Pp1) References Christopher Hirst ,Paperbacks: Bambi Vs Godzilla, by David Mamet, (2008) Retrieved 01-02-2009, from http://www. independent. co. uk/arts-entertainment/books/reviews/paperbacks-bambi-vs-godzilla-by-david-mamet-864393. html Gabriel Steinfeld , Book reviews: Bambi vs. Godzilla: On the Nature, Purpose and Practice of the Movie Business, by David Mamet,(2009) Retrieved 01-02-2009, http://www. helium. com/items/536905-book-reviews-bambi-vs-godzilla-nature-purpose-practice-movie-business-david Film Makers, David Mamet. Media Pro Tech Inc. (2006). Retrieved from: http://www. filmmakers. com/artists/mamet/biography/index. htm

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Why There Should Be a Drastic Reform to the Public Education System Essay

Why There Should Be a Drastic Reform to the Public Education System - Essay Example Drastic reforms in the education system would help improve the quality of school education. In this context, school education can be defined as a laborious means of learning. This notion is justified by the articles ‘Against School’ and ‘Learning to Read’ that illustrate the poor state of school education in modern society. School education is illustrated as a poor way of educating individuals, because the tedious aspect of learning does not serve to accomplish the objective of learning as an enjoyable concept, but rather a factor that must be executed to make citizens become literate. Lawrence W. Reedla in his essay â€Å"A new Direction for Education Reform†, argues that a new exciting direction will offer great success to the education system. Education is an instrument of the societal social order and so when the society changes, even education and its approach also need to change. Education roots penetrate deep into many aspects of the society an d are subject to a number of forces, including political those that sometimes threaten the performance of the sector. Despite the significance of education, public education has been neglected and faces many problems and thus needs drastic reforms to change the system. This paper looks at some of these problems which call for drastic change in the public education system. ... to provide tools that can be used to improve education system in all public schools and provide equal resources and funding for all institutions to improve performance of public schools in all regions of the country. The articles ‘Against School’ and ‘Learning to Read’ contrast in terms of the content and ideologies posed in each. The first article, ‘Against School’, illustrates how school is a tool that is formulated to fulfill an objective, rather than create a concept that is essential, as well as enjoyable, for students. It also provides evidence why school education can be labeled as a poor educational system. ‘Against school’ provides the aspect of the problems that ails the school system and its effects on students which is usually poor performance. A change is thus needed in the public education system to find ways or ways of teaching that can encourage students to get involved in the earning process by developing interest t hrough enjoyment. The article is ‘Boredom is a common condition for schoolteachers’; this paper demonstrates a major problem with school education (167). The methods used to teach are tedious and can affect how individuals will learn concepts and ideologies that relate to various topics and subjects. This highlights that teacher get tired of teaching, and from time to time, they are unable to teach students in accordance to expectations. It brings the idea of taking children to school into question, because they do not normally enjoy their experience in school. Students are more likely to resent school, and hate education in general. (170). Learning to read by Malcolm X illustrates that if learning is implemented under the right conditions, it can be an enjoyable experience referring to the feeling he got when learning in

Friday, September 27, 2019

Industry Readiness for Going Global 1 Assignment

Industry Readiness for Going Global 1 - Assignment Example According to the Ft reporters, the United States of America auto mobile industry went from a boom to a low after the 2007/2008 economic crisis (Ft Reporters 2013). This is so since the automobiles sales from the United States of America industry fell to a record less than nine million from a high 16 million in 2005. However, after economic policies were adopted by the government the industry is slowly getting back to its feet (Lorenzo 2011). As one can see in both 2009 and 2012 China is the highest producer of vehicles in the international market. It is then followed by Japan. One notices that in the year 2009 the number of vehicles produced was low (OICA (2013). This can be attributed to the financial crisis of 2007/2008 which affected almost all players in the industry. However one notices that the USA and Germany were affected the most concluding that the crisis affected the industry most in Europe and the USA. However by looking at the statistics in 2012, the industry in the United States is recovering and shows promise of increasing in its sales and production in the futures. From the charts above, it is within reason that the key companies in the industry in the automobile industry are Volkswagen, Toyota, Hyundai and GM. However, there are other companies rising fast. Such companies include Nissan, ford and KIA. Key competitors as derived from the statistics include China, USA, Japan and Germany. Compared to its competitors, the USA automobile has various factors that give the industry an upper hand when competing with other industries in the international market. Government support is heavy in the USA unlike in other countries since the government offers loans to automobile companies. For instance, companies such as ford were lifted out of the economic crisis as a result of incentives from the government. Another advantage the USA has is that most of the citizens are loyal to home brands thus a huge

Thursday, September 26, 2019

TLMT312 WEEK 2 FORUM Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

TLMT312 WEEK 2 FORUM - Assignment Example TCO is much wider in manufacturing; the cost involve include cycle time, repair, ship, re-ship, opportunity, incentives, tax credit, delivery and supplier visits costs (Richard, 2004). TCO ensures financial analysis by determining the total economic value of products and investments. The financial analysis entails; economic value added, rapid economic justification, and internal return rate. TCO analyzes the total cost of assets and related systems, in the entire organization processes. This ensures adequate forecasting of profitability of the organization (Richard, 2004). TCO is applied in the computer industry, fro financial analysis by multinationals. TCO describes the financial effect of using the information technology products, throughout the entire lifecycle. The cost analysis considers the main aspects of computer hardware, training and software. Technology implementation entails three levels of costs. Hardware and software analysis costs like; warranties, licenses, purchasing research and risks. Operation costs entail infrastructure, electricity, insurance, testing and back up. Long term costs include replacement, upgrade and decommissioning (Richard, 2004). When comparing the TCO between present and proposed technology solutions, maintenance expenses should be analyzed. The maintenance expenses for present solutions may not be applicable for the proposed technological solution (Richard,

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Classification & Division Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Classification & Division - Essay Example rting as always involves the question of winning, every team endeavors to triumphs over the other and that is what constitutes the essence of the sports. In the same breadth, no team would want to be outweighed the easiest way and would put spirited fight salvage the situation (Eric Digest 29). It is unfortunate that in most occasion sports which are intended for the good reasons end up in an orgy of violence. In fact, sports and violence can be comfortably be spoken of in the same line of statement. Most sports turn to be violent not at the beginning of the march, but during progression or at the end of the game, this leave only one option to explain the source of the violence in sports; the fans not being happy with the results and the only way to ease their tension and anger is to brew tension and disrupt the otherwise peaceful environment to turn chaotic. For the purpose of in-depth understanding of the nature of violence in sports, this paper has classified the various sources of the violence witnessed in the sports with regard to what instigate them (Eric Digest 31). There can be a dichotomous and a chronology of the violence in sports to bring about order in comprehending the information. To give a rational opinion about this, we have to enumerate the parties actively involved in the sporting activities; the players, the fans, and the officiating body. It is possible that violence can be instigated by any of the three parties mentioned. The officiating personnel are sometimes the best source of violence in sports in reference to the decision they make on how the players engage in contradicting the rules of the game (Eric Digest 23). For instance, when a football referee give a penalty shoot during injury time there is most likely to be an eruption of violence as the fans of the other team will view it malicious and meant to necessitate defeat on them. The other source of violence is between the fans, fans have always been known to have natural hatred on

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Three Main Parts of a Plant and Differences between Eudicots and Coursework

Three Main Parts of a Plant and Differences between Eudicots and Monocots - Coursework Example Roots are responsible of providing the plant with water and other minerals contained by the soil. It also anchors the plants and holds the plant to ground. Stem has the responsibility to transport water minerals from roots to the leaves and branches and food and oxygen from leaves to other parts. Leaves carry the responsibility of making food for the plants through the process of photosynthesis. Plant can make its food by itself combining carbon-dioxide and sunlight by the process of photosynthesis. The vegetative parts of a plant are root, stem and leaves but flowers, fruits and seeds are its reproductive organs. Difference between Monocot and Eudicot Plants Flowering plants produce seeds of two basic types, monocots and eudicots. There are many differences between the Monocots and eudicots. In monocots there is only one cotyledon in the seed but in eudicot plants the seed has two cotyledons. In monocot plants the root xylem and phloem are distributed in a ring while in eudicots roo t phloem is the xylem. In monocots the vascular tissues are there in the stem in a scattered form but eudicots have its vascular tissues distinctly arranged. Leaves veins in monocot plants are formed in a parallel pattern while eudicots have a leave veins in a net shape.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Questions 11 and 12 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Questions 11 and 12 - Coursework Example A price ceiling is not the equilibrium price. It is dictated by government and is below the equilibrium price. For any price that is below the market-determined price or what is also known as the equilibrium price, the quanity demanded is greater than the quantity supplied. It will then create a shortage. In a free market where government does not intervene, any shortage will result in an increase in price until it reaches market equilibrium. At the equilibrium price, the problem of shortage is eliminated because quantity demanded is equal to quantity supplied. If a price ceiling is imposed by government, the market forces are prevented from moving towards market equilibrium. Rationing coupons insure that consumers with the highest values get limited amount of a good supplied when price ceilings are imposed because the cost of the product is changed to the price in money plus the price in coupons (Schenk, n.d.). The cost of the coupon is equivalent to the ceiling price, which is below equilibrium price. This means that demand for the good or service will increase because of the lower price. However with rationing coupons, the buyers need to pay a higher price because they still need to pay an additional amount on top of the coupon price. This effectively weeds out consumers who cannot afford the additional premium over the coupon price; thus, decreasing quantity demanded and the shortage problem. The consumers who can afford the highest value or premium on top of coupon price will ultimately get the limited amount supplied because the suppliers will prefer to sell to them the good or service. An economic model, the expected utility theory helps both organizations and individuals in making decisions under risk (Thomas-Maurice, 2011). â€Å"The expected utility theory is a theory of decision-making under risk that accounts for a manager’s attitude toward

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Minicase Raines and Warren Finance Essay Example for Free

Minicase Raines and Warren Finance Essay The disadvantage of using company collateral to back the bonds is, the asset used as collateral cannot be sold during the term of the bond and must maintain its value. 2. Seniority of the bond. The seniority of the bond is the order in which bonds will be paid in the event of bankruptcy. The more senior the bond, the higher priority of being paid if there is a bankruptcy, and the lower the coupon rate because the risk to the bond owner is lower. 3. The presence of a sinking fund. A sinking fund is an account set up by the trustee of the bonds. The trustee saves and pools money to purchase, pay off, or call bonds early. Setting up a sinking fund will lower the risk, thus lowering the coupon rate. The risk to the company is not having available funds to feed the trust. 4. A call provision with specified call dates and call prices. A call provision could be included to call the bonds if interest rates drop substantially. The call provision will raises the coupon rate but protect you from paying a high rate for a long period in the event rates drop. 5. A deferred call accompanying the call provision. A deferred call accompanying the call provision would give the bond purchaser a protection period where the bond could not be called. Adding this provision will prohibit you from calling the bond for a set time (call period), and puts you at risk of paying a high interest rate for the deferred period. Therefore, you have a lower coupon rate than a call provision with no deferral period but still higher than a bond with no call provision at all. 6. A make-whole call provision. A make-whole call provision is the safest call for the investor and a lower coupon rate for you. The discount rate is based on the current Treasury rate plus a small-specified percentage. The investor is protected by being made whole if there is a call. 7. Any positive covenants for purchaser and some SS might consider. Positive covenants on bonds are proactive and reduce the coupon rate. Applying positive covenants to the bond makes it more attractive and secure to the investor by applying conditions that protect the investor’s interest. You may wish to consider a covenant to furnish your audited financial statements to the investors. This is something you already do and it would decrease the coupon rate. If you choose to secure with assets (see number 1), including a covenant to assure that the asset is in good working condition would lower the coupon rate. 8. Any negative covenants for purchaser and some SS might consider. Negative covenants on bonds are restrictive and reduce the coupon rate. Applying negative covenants to the bond makes it more attractive to the investor but may hinder the operation by putting limitations on your business actions. You may want to consider a clause that you will not merge with another firm and that you will not issue any additional long-term debt. 9. A conversion feature. A conversion feature allows a bond to convert to stock and unless your company is planning to go public, this would not apply to you. If SS has any plans to go public, you should consider a conversion feature. This feature would benefit the bondholders if the company did go public and if included could lower the coupon rate. 10. A floating-rate coupon. A floating-rate coupon is much like an adjustable rate loan. The coupon rate, tied to a published rate such as the Treasury bill interest rate over a set period, is adjusted per a set schedule such as every six months. There is a disadvantage of doing this when rates are low but will be more attractive to the investor, thus a lower margin. A cap on how much the rate can be increased or decreased would be a good addition if you choose this option. This would be a consideration if you choose not to have a call provision.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Why I Want to Transfer to John Hopkins University Essay Example for Free

Why I Want to Transfer to John Hopkins University Essay My personal goals coincide with that of John Hopkins University—the focus on research and advancement of scholars. This kind of focus is something akin to my own passions, my involvements, and my interests in pursuing science and research. In addition to this, the University is really keen in ensuring that its students and its research are doing excellently. I arrived at my decision to transfer to John Hopkins based on several things. I have come across the testimonies of friends, as well as other colleagues regarding the promotion of excellence at John Hopkins. I also wanted to know for sure and that is why I conducted a research regarding the legacy of John Hopkins. I am amazed at the diversity of points of view and excellence in scholarship at the University. The University has been at the forefronts of the development in health sciences. For me, such a University challenges its students to give their best in meeting the standards and needs of the university. In keeping with the high standards of the University, I was also drawn to the names currently serving as faculty of the John Hopkins and their capabilities and leadership in their fields add greater momentum to the edge of the University in the field. It is a challenging environment, surely, but such challenge is necessary for the University to produce top quality graduates and practitioners in various fields. As for me, I want to belong to an institution with a proven track record and excellence in training its training for service in the broader society. I foresee that my will, my skills, and my capabilities will be put to the test, but my dedication to my chosen field will see me through.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Ritual Of Sati In Hindu Religioun

The Ritual Of Sati In Hindu Religioun The practice of sati, the immolation of widows, is the most tenacious example of religious customs. Many people often associate the concept of sati with just India; however, the practice of self-immolation has been widespread in world history. The article written by Jorg Fisch, claims that examples of sati can be traced to incidents of headhunting in Southeast Asia (Fisch 2001: 301) and the ritual murder of a kings cook, brewer, and shepherd in Baganda (Fisch 2001: 299). In order to understand the reasoning behind the ritual one must look into every aspect of it from the angles of different religious traditions. So, as one can see sati is not unique to India. However, the cases of sati, even though, rare, have still taken place since the proclamation of Indias independence in 1947. The most recent case that has sparked a heated debate is the sati of eighteen-year old widow, Roop Kanwar. The most surprising consequence of young womans death was the fact that women from different parts of the country rallied demanding to be permitted to commit sati (Kumar 1995: 76). The pro-sati lobbyists fought for their rights to commit, worship, and propagate sati; it got to the point where the Sati Dharma Raksha Samti (the Committee for the Defense of the Religion of Sati) was formed (Hawley 1994: 9). This group was run by educated Rajput men in their twenties and thirties who claimed that sati was a fundamental part of their traditions; a refusal to legitimize sati, they said, was a deliberate attempt to marginalize the Rajputs (Kumar 1995: 81). To fully grasp the concept of sati one must look into history of the ritual and not only in India but in other countries as well; search for examples and reasoning in sacred texts; and discover the attitudes both supporting and opposing sati that exist in modern day India. The rituals of sati exist throughout the world in documented cases that were reported in various countries. Jorg Fisch reports, in his paper, that human sacrifice was practiced frequently in China. He follows the pioneering scholar of Chinese religion J.J.M. de Groot in saying that Confucius and his followers opposed it, however de Groot disagrees that it was Confucian opposition that ended the practice in China (de Groot 1976: 300-301, 310, 320). The history reports that sometimes great numbers of ordinary people were lured to the mausoleum of an emperor only to be locked up to be buried alive (Fisch 2001:313). But it is not the brutal practice of massive murders of ordinary people that makes the ritual of sati come alive in Chinese history but rather the account of childless concubines being buried with the first emperor. Later, the custom of following emperors in death which was reserved for only those from the lower class was followed by the suicide of widows. It was considered t o be a form of faithfulness and a reflection of not only on the changing nature of Confucianism but also other religious traditions emerging in China. Regardless of the religious opposition the practice remained in place for a while. Just like in India, Chinese religious opposition failed to convince people that sati is inhumane and unnecessary. Just like in India, it was due to the fact that general population held strong beliefs in life after death and that by following their husbands the widows were fulfilling their dharma therefore it could not be wrong. The reasons that drove Chinese widows to commit sati included deep sorrow at the death of a beloved spouse; the anticipated difficulties of life as a widow, including the threat of forced remarriage; and, as for Indian sati widows, the possibility of honor, enshrinement, even deification (Fisch 2001:311, 316). But within the same faiths, as daughters and daughters-in-law with seniors to care for, as beneficiaries of their parent s gift of life and body, as mothers to their husbands heirs, as officiants in the ancestral cult, as lay Buddhist devotees, or as women tough enough to honor life-long vows of chastity, they might also choose to live an honorable life. They could do so while still believing in a life after death, or in repeated, rather than final, judgment of their sins and virtues, or they might believe in honor for its own sake and the immortality of their name. Just like India, China held belief that everyone holds a choice over their own destiny and are free to either follow the dead or remain alive. There is no stigma or shame attached to either. The ritual of sati has been in the lives of Hindus for many generations. There are accounts of sati or the refusal of thereof in the sacred texts of Hinduism. Sati is mentioned in both the Rig Veda and the Atharva Veda, two sacred texts in the Hindu tradition. The reason why it was practiced for so many years was because of discussion in these texts. One of the sections of the Vedas in known as Samhitas, and it contains a section called the Rig Veda Samhita, which includes a passage defending sati as it states: Let these women, whose husbands are worthy and are living, enter the house with ghee (applied) as corrylium (to their eyes). Let these wives first step into the pyre, tearless without any affliction and well adorned. (Rig Veda 10.18.7) The verse encourages a widow to throw herself on her dead husbands pyre as a personal sacrifice to her husband. In the scripture, sati is a wife entering the funeral pyre, and the practice has started because it is a part of a sacred text. It is described with many other ritual practices prescribed to the followers of Hinduism. Another sacred text that defends the practice of sati is the Atharva Veda Samhita. It is from the same collection of Samhita as the Rig Veda and the funeral verse in the Atharva Veda in Kanda 18, Sukta 3 states: This woman, choosing her husbands world, lies down (nipad) by you that are departed, O mortal, continuing to keep [her] ancient duty (dharma); to her assign you here progeny and property. Sati is also mentioned in Mahabharata in the story of the pigeon and the hunter. Sati is described as a ritual suicide because after the passing of the husband the wife has to follow him too. Bhisma tells the story where the pigeons wife decides that no moral woman could still live if her husband was dead and so she decides to throw herself into her husbands funeral fire (Sutton 2000: 87). The result of her actions is that she is sent to svarga-loca (celestial world) alongside her husband in a celestial chariot (Sutton 2000: 87). The mention of the sati ritual on the pages of often read Mahabharata is regarded as another justification of the ritual. However, despite the fact that the ritual of sati is discussed in sacred texts for any Hindu, people started to seek another interpretation for the same verses. The understanding of the tradition is different now than it was at the beginning of the religion. The human rights activists and feminist lobbyists are fighting to liquidate the tradition completely. Those who oppose the ritual of sati claim that it is simply appalling and should be abolished forever. It seems like there shouldnt be a conflict as the practice became illegal many times. First, it was abolished by the British in 1829; and then again in late 1980s after the sati of Roop Kanwar. Indian feminists argue that the proclamation of Roop as an exemplary and chaste wife is revolting. The idea behind the ritual is the one of grave oppression of women and vivid representation of their secondary status and lack of choices. For centuries, the social status of women was closely related to the one of their fathers and later, t heir husbands. It was never an option for a female to be considered an equal in everything to her husband. After the independence of India was proclaimed women got their chance to build their lives the way they desire. But, sadly, many were clinging to the past, to something they have always known, the traditional way of life and thinking. The feminist leaders stepped up and encouraged the female population to take the reins of their destinies and think for themselves. It is unthinkable that in this day and age, anyone would consider a ritual suicide just because of the tradition that dates couple millennia back. In conclusion, the ritual of sati has rich and intriguing history. The account of sati examples were discovered in numerous documents all over the world. It can be determined to certain that India was not the only country that practiced ritual sacrifices of innocent women in order to fulfill their dharma and show off their chaste and pure nature. China had centuries of regular practice of sati, but unlike in India, the practice was long abolished. Concrete evidence that supports the ritual of sati is found in several sacred texts in Hinduism. It makes it harder to argue that sati is rather a choice a widow must make and not a predestined certainty. The evidence from the texts can be interpreted as a supporting ground for sati. It sounds noble, and pure, and chaste, to show the world the devotion the widow has for her deceased husband. In reality, it is just a tradition, a ritual like any other, that one can chose to forgo. In modern times there is no more stigma attached to being a w idow, no shame to carry with the title, no burden to lay on those who are still alive. Modern society is all about equality of rights for everyone. And Indian feminists argue just that, the tradition of sati had its place in history and lives of Hindus, but now, it is time to make wiser choices and live, instead of committing sacrificial suicide.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

An Analysis Of British Literature Essay -- essays research papers

An Analysis of British Literature Death is inevitable and what happens after death will always be a mystery to the living. For this reason, the afterlife has always been a topic which artists have chosen to explore in their works. Throughout the chronology of British literature, artists have used society's views as a basis to examine the afterlife, and look at it in new ways. The afterlife has been a theme in British Literature from the Anglo-Saxon period of Beowulf to the twentieth century writings of Dylan Thomas. The mysteriousness of the afterlife makes it a topic which artists will always be eager to analyze. During the Anglo-Saxon Period which lasted from 449 AD to 1066 AD, the popular belief of the times was that a person's life was predetermined by Wyrd, the Old English word for fate, and there was nothing which the individual could do to change his destiny. The most famous writing from this epoch is the epic poem Beowulf. Beowulf, the main character, had no fear of the evil monster Grendel because he believed "Grendel and I are called/ Together," by fate. He also displayed his faith in the beliefs of society when he told Hrogthgar "Fate will unwind as it must." When Grendel died, the soldiers "had no semse of sorrow, felt no regret for his sufferings," because they believed Grendel was destined to die, and there was no way to defy destiny. They also did not pity Grendel because they considered him to be entirely evil because it was his fate. The Anglo-Saxon's strong belief in fate led to them not fearing death as much as during other times periods in British Literature. Beowulf's strong belief in fate was a reflection in the society's pagan belief in fate. Due to the fact that the society at the time of Beowulf was pagan, they did not believe in the afterlife. The Christian revision to Beowulf illustrated a different outlook on death and the afterlife. When monks were copying the story, they realized it dealt with pagan ideals, and they incorporated Christian ideals into the text. The monks included the concept God was the ultimate one who controls fate. This was shown when Beowulf told Hrogthgar "God must decide/ Who will be given to death's cold grip." The monks also inserted the idea that there is an afterlife. When... ... in the afterlife. Throughout the chronology of British literature, artists have presented many different perspectives on the afterlife. There are views which I agree with, and there are views which I don't agree with. One of the ones which I support is John Donne's idea of death not being a terrible thing because it leads to the afterlife which is a better place. I support this idea because I have been raised in a rather religious family, and it has been instilled in me that death is not bad, and there is an afterlife to go to. I also agree with the ideas in "Ulysses" and "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night" that one should struggle to make the most out of his life and to make it meaningful. This idea is very appealing to me because I believe a person should always attempt to make the most out of what he/she is given, and it is important to never give up. While I don't agree with the poems which state that there isn't an afterlife, analyzing and thinking about them has been valuable for me because it has forced me to consider my views, and to build up a stronger support of my views to counter the ideas presented in these poems.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Nano Computing and The Future of Silicon Essay -- optical computing, d

We are coming to the end of advancement in traditional silicon-based computation; therefore we should utilize non-traditional silicon. While there are other alternatives, currently none of them are commercially available or developed in any realistically usable way like silicon is. Currently we have been able to successfully prototype a variety of methods for non-traditional silicon based technologies such as 3D chip stacking and multi-core processor design. This paper will discuss the benefits of utilizing non-traditional silicon and how the other â€Å"solutions† to the end of traditional silicon are not developed to the point of being a real solution. The other â€Å"solutions† are DNA computing, Optical computing, Molecular computing, and Quantum computing. There are limitations with these â€Å"solutions† even before being commercially available. For instance, current development of DNA computation is not going to solve our problem, because it is so expensive and you have to pay someone to program the DNA so it can grow into what it needs to be. Optical computing won’t solve the issue because it has some major disadvantages such as: cost, size, alignment precision, thermal stability, fabrication, lack of design software for creation, and the need for ultra low voltages (Optical Computers). Additionally Mark Ratner, a chemist at Northwestern University, who is generally regarded as one of the grandfathers of the field, doubts molecules will ever compete directly with silicon in complex computational tasks making molecular computation not needed (Rotman). Quantum computing will not solve the current issue because no one knows yet how long a true Quantum computer will take to develop or how many functions it will accurately perform early o... ...ense Tech RSS., 17 Mar. 2014. . â€Å"the contractor purchased a † "Optical Computers." UNCW. University of North Carolina Wilmington, n.d. . â€Å"an optical computer is a † Preskill, John. "Quantum Computing: Pro and Con."Http:// California Institute of Technology, n.d. 1998. . â€Å" Quantum computers will be too expensive.† Ramanathan, R. M. "Intel Multi-Core Processors." Pogolinux. Intel, n.d. . Seffers, George I. "National Security Drives Quantum Computer Research." SIGNAL Magazine. SIGNAL Online, Oct. 2010. . â€Å"No one knows yet what a working quantum †