Saturday, February 15, 2020

Hitlers Influence on World War II Research Paper

Hitlers Influence on World War II - Research Paper Example From this paper it is clear that World War II began in 1939 and lasted until 1945. It involved two opposing sides, the axis formed by the Germans and its supporters and the allied forces. The war broke out soon after Germany invaded Poland a neutral state that was under the protection of the British. It is accounted that Hitler motivated his soldiers on a personal level and that he watched from his special train, the progress of his army invading Poland (Roberts 26). The invasion prompted the UK and its allies to wage war on the Germans leading to the start of World War II. However, Hitler’s behavior on several occasions fueled the underlying tensions that later caused the eruption of the war. This paper outlines that Hitler was able to win Italy over to his side by supporting Italy’s invasion of Ethiopia. Germany was the major European country to offer their Support to Italy thus inducing her to drop her previous objections of Germany taking over Austria. In Italy, Germany found an ally together with whom they hoped to capture and subdue large tracts of eastern European land. Mussolini was Italy’s leader at the time and they collaborated to support the Fascist and authoritarian National forces against the Spanish Republic that was supported by the Soviets in the Spanish war of 1936. According to Giblin, Hitler found the Versailles treaty to be degrading and particularly the demilitarization of Rhineland. He also vehemently opposed its stipulation that Germany accept the responsibility of Causing World War I. He therefore disregarded the treaty and ordered for the remilitarization of Rhineland in order to support the Spanish War. It is said that both Germany and USSR supported the opposing sides of the war just so they could carry out tests on their warfare equipment and strategies. An alliance was formed between Germany and Italy that year named the Rome-Berlin Axis.  

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Corporate social responsibility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 4

Corporate social responsibility - Essay Example Specifically, accounting theories and CSR theories have been analyzed. Corporate social responsibility reflects the responsibilities that firm have towards stakeholders and society. Corporations are often encountered with business choices that create a dilemma between their objective of maximizing profits and ethics. There are a few theories of CSR that provide the foundation to the CSR model for the implementation of the process. According to this theory of CSR, corporations have power in society at the same time, they are responsible to use this power in the arena of politics. This theory emphasizes on connection and interaction between society and corporation as well as the power it holds. This theory can be utilized by corporations for enhancing their reputation in a positive manner. If corporations are powerful enough, then they must utilize their power in the interest of general public as well. Manipulating financial statements and hiding environmental information that might harm their profits is not ethical by any means. This theory states that corporations are instruments for the creation of wealth. In this theory, the objective of firms is to maximize the value of shareholders investment. Corporations also formulate strategies for achieving competitive advantage in this theory. This is theory upon which corporations nowadays are implementing. Their prime purpose is to seek wealth increment by whatever means possible. This theory relies on the demands of society for its growth and continuity of existence. It means the society connects with corporations and allows them certain prestige and legitimacy to operate within the premises of society. However, in corporate world, community is always secondary. The prime goal is to generate profits as much as possible. For doing so, companies involve in CSR activities which is essence, is other