Thursday, October 31, 2019

Dilemma discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Dilemma discussion - Essay Example Through their ability to foretell the consequences of their actions, they should come to an agreement, which is letting the biological parents have custody of their daughter. If the child’s biological parents are eventually given custody, it would be in the best interest of the majority. This is because the foster parents will finally accept the fact that they are rehabilitated and no longer have drug problems. That will also provide the best opportunity for the foster parents to explain to the child what happened and also enable them to become part of the reunited family by helping the child accept her parents. According to Ruggiero (2012), ethical decisions are influenced by, among others, family, feelings and majority view. Therefore, it is true that the child only knows of her foster family, but it is their obligation to help her accept her biological and true family. If the court opined that the biological parents were rehabilitated enough, then the foster parents should also feel the same and help them along. The ultimate result is that both families will end up being happy and the child will have a greater number of people she can trust and look up to. Using the care-based thinking, Ruggiero (2012) opines that people should base their decisions on what they would want others to do to them. The biological parents, therefore, want their daughter back and care for her because they will most certainly need her care in old age. The foster parents ought to think in the same way and acknowledge that even they themselves would need a child’s care n future. Therefore, they should accept the court ruling and let the biological parents take care of their daughter. This school of thought is similar to the ends-based thinking in the sense that they both consider the ultimate outcome of one’s actions. However, they differ because the significance of response is emphasized in the ethics-based thinking. On the other hand, both schools of thought are

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Nutritional needs Essay Example for Free

Nutritional needs Essay Protein 4 calories/ g 0.8 g / kg / day Meat Fish Chicken Eggs Dairy Insufficient intake leads to muscle wasting and atrophy Carbohydrates 4 calories / g Starches Sugars (fructose, glucose, lactose, sucrose) and cellulose Fruits Vegetables Milk Grains Insufficient intake results in protein and fat metabolism Fats 9 calories / g Needed for ADEK vitamin absorption Animal products Egg yolks Organ meats (except liver) Butter Cheese Oils Insufficient intake increases risk of infection, skin lesions, amenorrhea, and cold sensitivity Thiamin (B1) Pork Wheat germ Fortified cereals Insufficiency leads to Beriberi, Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome Riboflavin (B2) Milk Enriched grains Insufficiency leads to Ariboflavinosis Niacin (B3) Peanuts Legumes Enriched grains Insufficiency leads to diarrhea, dementia, dermatitis Cobalamin (B12) Animal protein Insufficiency leads to pernicious anemia Folic Acid Orange juice Meat Leafy green vegetables Insufficiency leads to anemia and neural tube defects Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C): wound healing, hormone synthesis Citrus fruits Insufficiency leads to scurvy, bleeding gums Vitamin A: vision, tissue growth, immune, reproductive function Animal foods Fruits Vegetables Fortified milk Insufficiency leads to night blindness, xerophthalmia Vitamin D: calcium and phosphorus metabolism, PTH, kidney Dairy Fortified food sources Insufficiency leads to rickets, osteomalacia Vitamin E: antioxidant, immune Vegetable oil Peanuts Margarine Insufficiency leads to hemolysis of RBCs Vitamin K: blood clotting Liver Leafy green vegetables Insufficiency leads to hemorrhage Potassium Apricots Avocado Bananas Cantaloupes Raw carrots Peas / Dried beans Dried fruits Oranges Peanuts Potatoes Prune juice Spinach Tomatoes Winter squash Calcium (also use for kidney stones) Chocolate Dairy Beans Lentils Dried fruits Canned / smoked fish (except tuna) Flour Cocoa Green leafy vegetables Tyramine / Dopamine Restrictions (for people taking MAOIs) Aged Cheese Chocolate Smoked fish Processed meats Bananas Liver Fava beans Soy sauce Purine (gout / uric acid stones) Organ meats Anchovies Sardines Salmon Herring Venison Goose Beef, chicken, pork, veal should be limited because they contain purine Alcohol Seafood Oxalates (kidney stones) Asparagus Beets Celery Cabbage Dark green leafy vegetables Fruits Tomatoes Green beans Chocolate Cocoa Beer Cola Nuts Tea Acid-Ash Foods (will acidify urine to prevent UTI and avoid if patient has acidic stones) Cranberries Plums Grapes Prunes Tomatoes Eggs Cheese Whole grains Meat Poultry

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Analysing The Dowry System Religion Essay

Analysing The Dowry System Religion Essay Dowry or Dahej is the payment in cash or/and kind by the brides family to the bridegroom s family along with the giving away of the bride in Indian marriage. Kanyadanam is an important part of Hindu marital rites. Kanya means daughter, and dana means gift. Dowry originated in upper caste families as the wedding gift to the bride from her family. The dowry was later given to help with marriage expenses and became a form of insurance in the case that her in-laws mistreated her. It continues to be highly institutionalized. The groom often demands a dowry consisting of a large sum of money, farm animals, furniture, and electronics. The practice of dowry abuse is rising in day by day. The most severe in bride burning, the burning of women whose dowry was not considered sufficient by their husband or in-laws. Most of these incidents are reported as accidental burns in the kitchen or are disguised as suicide. It is evident that there exist deep-rooted prejudices alongside women. Cultural practices such as the payment of dowry tend to subordinate women in Indian society. When the dowry amount is not considered sufficient or is not forthcoming, the bride is often harassed, abused and made miserable. This abuse can escalate to the point where the husband or his family does burn the bride, often by hammering kerosene on her and lighting it, usually killing her. A woman is burned to death almost every twelve hours. The number of dowry murders is increasing. In 1988-2209 women were killed in dowry related incidents and in 1990, 4,835 were killed. It is important to repeat that these are official records, which are hugely under reported. According to figures there were a total of 5,377 dowry deaths in 1993, an increase of 12% from 1992. Despite the existence of rigorous laws convictions are rare, and judges are often uninterested and susceptible to bribery. An accurate picture is difficult to obtain, as statistics are varied and contradictory. In 1995, there were about 6,000 dowry deaths. Many of the victims are burnt to death-they are doused in kerosene and set light to. Routinely the in-laws claim that what happened was simply an accident. The kerosene stoves used in many poorer households are dangerous. When evidence of foul play is too obvious to ignore, the story changes to suicide-the wife, it is said, could not adjust to new family life and subsequently killed herself. 2. Introduction The right to life of women in Pakistan is conditional on their obeying social norms and traditions. â‚ ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚   Dowry is given as gift but it becomes violence when it is demanded. Reasonable dowry for a reasonable match was advocated in our male-dominated society in the name of religion and culture, in some cases to deny a girl her share in the inheritance, They said dowry was a form of social security for the girl and more of a burden on the father to the extent that it sometimes made him commit suicide. Dowry is one of those social practices which not educated people would possess up with pride, although many still adhere to this much deplorable practice. Dowry is continued to be given and taken. Even among the educated parts of the society, dowry is continued to make an essential part the negotiations that take place in an arranged marriage. Dowry deaths of a newly married bride are still regularly in the news. Although it may not be possible to determine when and where these practices started, it can be thought that dowry and bride price are subsequent to the organization of monogamy. A search for the origins of dowry would have to move backwards into antiquity afar. This is the same as saying that dowry and bride price came into being after the practice of monogamous marriage had become prevalent. Although the practice of dowry exists in many of the countries, it has been assumed that the quantity of a challenge to the forces of modernity and modify only in sub-continent and the complex in the running of high class of the society. Many reasons are put forward for explaining this practice to compensate it. It is said that a dowry is meant to help the newly-weds to set up their own home with new house hold things. Dowry as we all know is paid in cash or sort by the brides family to the grooms family along with the giving away of the bride. The custom of Kanya-danam is an essential aspect in Hindu marital rites: Kanya = daughter, danam = gift. A reason for the origin of dowry could possibly be that the groom and his family had to take up the onerous liability of supporting the bride for the rest of her life. 2.1 Duties and Rights of Husband and Wife after marriage Allah has informed us about the just rights of each other on us: the wifes rights (with regard to their husbands) are equal to the (husbands) rights with regard to them, although men are a degree above them; and Allah is Almighty, Wise. Quran [2: 228] The statement that men are a degree above than women means that authority within the household has been given to the husband in preference to the wife because a heavier burden has been placed on his shoulders by another verse of the Quran which says: Men shall take full care of women, because Allah has given the one more strength than the other, and because they support them from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient, and guard in (the husbands) absence what Allah would have them guard Quran [4 : 34] 2.2 Marriage as a financial transaction Young married women are particularly vulnerable. By custom they go to live in the house of their husbands family following the wedding. Dowry is just not the end in terms of transaction because the greedy parents of the groom do not end their curse. The wife is often seen as a servant of husbands family, or if she is working outside, as a source of income, but has no extraordinary relationship with the members of her new household and therefore no base of support the family. Some 40% of women are married before the legal age of 18 years. Illiteracy amongst women is very high, in some rural areas up to 63 %. As a result they are isolated and often in no position to assert themselves. Demands for dowry can go on for years. Religious ceremonies and the birth of children often become the occasions for further requests for money or goods. The inability of the brides family to comply with these demands often leads to the daughter-in-law being treated as a pariah and subject to abuse. In the worst cases, wives are simply killed to make way for a new financial transaction-i.e. threat of second marriage marriage. The will to obtain large dowries from the family of daughters-in-law, to demand more in cash, gold and other liquid assets, becomes vivid after leafing through pages of official reports that dutifully record the effects of gratitude, foreclosures, barren plots and cattle dying for lack of fodder. Dowry becomes dreaded payments on demand that go together with and follow the marriage of a daughter. Newspapers are filled with pages of women seeking husbands and men advertising their eligibility and social prowess, usually using their caste as a bargaining chip by telling their status positioning. A successful marriage is often seen by the wifes family as a means to advance up the social ladder. But the catch is that there is a price to be paid in the make a truck of dowry including furnishing of room, split AC, complete furniture of a home, kitchen use things and electronic home appliances etc. If for any reason that dowry preparations cannot be met then it is the young woman who suffers in terms of violence and threats. The price of the groom astronomically enlarged and was based on his qualifications, occupation and earnings. Doctors, charted accountants, lawyers and engineers even prior to graduation widen the marvelous right to expect a fat dowry as they make the most hunted after cream of the graduating and educated dowry association. 3. OBJECTIVE 3.1 Arranged Marriages and Dowry We are all familiar with the story: boy meets girl, boy falls in love with girl, boy and girl gets married. For the preponderance of the western world, this is our ideal of a great beginning to a perfect marriage. It is significant to realize that while Pakistan is much rationalized in some aspects they still keep to the tradition of arranged marriages. Marriages formed out of love love marriages do happen in Pakistan but it is not the part of custom. It is an accepted fact that a persons family will play a role in choosing the marriage partner. It is significant to keep in mind that in Pakistani society an arranged marriage is seen as an act of love. Since marriage is one of the most important decisions a persons life he will ever make and because divorce is not accepted among the most families, it is imperative that the marriage choice is carefully thought out and planned by the head of the family. How can a young person make such an important decision on his/her own? Instead, the family (usually the parents) seeks for certain qualities in a life partner. Some popular traits are looked for in both male and female are: matching levels of education, matching cultures, close parental cities, matching religions, just to name a few of these. Potential brides also come under scrutiny by the boys parents. Since it is a commonly held belief that brides are the personification of that familys honor and pride, the girl must be from good family and have good etiquettes. She should be respectable and have no stain on her name. Now before we make that frown of revulsion. The dowry system has been in practice since before the written record and it has been used by parents in every country imaginable, including USA in older times. The main idea of the dowry system was to provide some kind of security for the bride if something unfortunate occurs with her husband such as death or divorce. As you can possibly imagine, daughters can be exceedingly expensive issue. Today this age can vary from 18-25 though exceptions do apply depending on socio-economic factors in the society. If a good dowry is not made, the girl is unlikely to have a proper match. This again, is typically random. While the dowry system is still in place, it has become more of a bride-price paying system. A proper match for a very poor family for marriage of their daughter into a somehow better financed family or a good match for a middle-income family might be finding a husband that is a doctor or engineer. As you have almost certainly guessed, there are a very few brides who in fact keep hold of their dowry after marriage. A good number practiced form of use of the dowry does not meant to be disgraceful and is far away more sensible for many families. More often than not, the brides dowry gets engrossed into the household for the greater good of the entire family. Not only people who receive dowry but also blame those people who pay dowry. People from poor or middle class families who cannot afford to give dowry to their daughters are either killed, stressed, or are not taken home by their in-laws. Our country shoddily needs girls who daringly stood up against dowry. It should be stopped by us. 4. HISTORY 4.1 Woman can decorate a house better than man Dowry system was introduced in many civilizations after the passage of time in history; this was introduced to share the burden in terms of expenses for settling a new household. In Athens the absence of dowry would call into question the legitimacy of the marriage. Kyrios (Guardian) was required to provide dowry to bride. In ancient Egypt during Pharaohs there was no sign of dowry as woman had right to inherit parents property along with brother. But When Greeks and Roman took control of Egypt signs of dowry began to appear gradually. In Ancient Roman time, it was responsibility of the parents to provide dowry to the bride, which was to be managed by her husband after the marriage. 8th century BC pre-Roman Hammurabi code of conduct parents was responsible for giving dowry to daughters. Rather Mother-in-laws role has more importance in creating this situation, mother-in-law had also gone through wives position in her past time and same wife, today being tortured, will repeat the same with future sons of wife. What the sense seems as there is a woman psychology behind this Mother-in-law has unmarried daughter to be married away. An ego-clash for manage (one is on the queens seat and the other to invade queen seat) in the house or change in sons attitude after new womans arrival thus two women (two grinding stones) and son in between two (grain) is ready to be flour. unfortunately, hate of wife and mother-in-law is all over the place in the world. 4.2 Background Reasons Originally, the purpose of a dowry was to provide seed money or property for the establishment of a new household as the beginning of the new life, to help a husband feed and protect his wife, and to give the wife and children some support if he were to die. This property was beyond the dowry (Greek: parapherna, the root of paraphernalia) and was known as paraphernal property or extra-dotal property. One of the basic functions of a dowry has been to serve as a form of defense for the wife against the possibility of ill treatment by her husband and his family. In other words, the dowry provides an incentive to the husband not to harm his wife. A husband thus had certain property rights in his wifes dowry. In addition, the wife might bring to the marriage property of her own, which was not included in the dowry and which was, as a result, she is alone responsible. 4.2.1 European History of Dowry Dowry was widely practiced in Europe before the European revolution. In Homeric times, the usual Greek practice was to pay an amount as bride price. Ancient Romans also practiced dowry, though Tacitus notes that the Germanic tribes practiced the reverse custom of the dower. Dowries were exchanged in the later classical time (5th century BC). One common penalty for the kidnapping of an unmarried woman was that the abductor or rapist had to provide the womans dowry. Until the late 20th century this was sometimes called wreath money, or the breach of promise. The Domostroy, a Russian advice book of the sixteenth century, includes advice to set aside property for purposes of a dowry so that a women can also get equal rights in property, and use it accumulate linens, clothings, and other things for it, rather than have to suddenly buy it all for the wedding; if the daughter should happen to die, the dowry should be used to give alms and for prayers for her soul, although some might be set aside for other daughters. In some areas of Europe, most recallable Eastern Europe, land dowries were very common. It was commonly given with the condition that he will take the surname of his bride, in order to continue the family name. 4.2.2 Asian History of Dowry Dowry is a common practice in many Asian countries, including India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and many others. In India, where incidents of bride burning and dowry death acquired notoriety, the payment of a dowry has been prohibited under. Then 1961 Dowry Prohibition Act in Indian civil law and subsequently by Sections 304B and 498a of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). Electronic items like refrigerators, television and washing machines are given by the brides parents as part of a ceremony along with clothes, jewelry, shoes and many other accessories. In recent years there supposedly has been a rise in dowry deaths even when law enforcing organizations claim that the situation is under control where as situation shows vice versa. 4.3 The curse of Material The practice of dowry is prevalent in India since olden times like centuries ago. The custom first started in Vaishya community of Hindu society but later all other communities in the Hindu society adopted this practice rapidly. Later, this practice spread into the Muslim society in places where Muslims lived as traders and not as rulers with Hindus in joint India. The evil practice of dowry has turned the blessed relationship of marriage into a profitable relationship which makes the life of chaste girls and their parents a hell, giving rise to suicide, corruption and moral degradation. The difficulty of dowry is directly connected to Muslims economic, social, educational and religious life. One of the reasons of these social evils is lack of knowledge and refusal with Islamic teachings and practices are not being implemented. Hundreds and thousands of educated and well mannered Muslim girls are leading unmarried lives or believe in late marriages. In a society where this is the case with unmarried girls, who will bother about the marriage of widows and divorcees? The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) and his companions have set many practical examples for their followers by marrying widows and divorcees. Young Muslim girls have to lead unmarried life because of financial difficulties of their parents or because of the non-availability of appropriate matches and if matches are available then demands are very much high. 4.4 Displaying wealth at marriage ceremonies Some of us have faithfully held onto the familiar theme of over-spending at our marriages and its related ceremonies only to cite the example of how insensitive can be the richer sections of this society to avoid an over and improper display of wealth and prosperity. In the society like ours, this display could easily be regarded as a kind of crime or social disparity, argue some discriminating citizens who have been even candidly protesting about this extravagant and shameful side of our lives. They do not believe in simplicity, modesty and moderation. They do not understand that in their pretentious style of celebrating marriage ceremonies, or even birthday parties and anniversaries and other such occasions, they set poor examples for a Muslim society, and make the lesser privileged sections of society feel wretched. Lets see what has been suggested by Law and Justice Commission: The relevant laws about marriage ceremonies, including the serving of lavish meals, decorations, aerial firing, cracking of explosives, and exhibition of dowry, should be appropriately amended to provide serving of a single dish to a limited number of guests, not exceeding 300, in the valima and baraat functions. It makes one think of the magical number of 300, and how a manipulation of such numbers can and does occur in our system. A person would like to state the challenges that are arisen, and the new complex, depressing contexts that have been created in the field of arranged marriages specially. Why dont we get example of simplicity from the role modal of all the Muslims through out the world Holy Prophet P.B.U.H that how he spent his life, how did he arrange marriage ceremony of his beloved daughter Hazrat Fatima R.A.? One is harshly referring to the financial side of the picture. For example, how the bride or groom with the green card or the immigrant status in the West is a valued customer in the business of marriage bureaus, and varied match-makers. Certainly, marriage bureaus are a flourishing lot these days. Even the trend of online marriages has been in widely practice now! 5. ANALYSIS OF DATA 5.1 From Cradle to Grave Along with cash and gold, the dowry includes cars, televisions, refrigerators and a house no matters whether or not the grooms family already having them is immaterial. And if the groom has a Government job, the dowry would include the bribe for a good posting at the desirable station. In 1999, their number was 3,886, 3,739 in 2000 and 3,191 in 2001. Some cases ended in suicide accidental death in police parlance but not at all. Taking into account 1,774 suicide cases in 1999, which came down to 1,632 in 2001, and 3,378 accidental deaths in 1999, which declined to 2,750 in 2001, it is clear that the problem of dowry continues to trouble women. And it is certainly no coincidence that nearly 80 per cent of the suicide cases and accidental deaths occurred in kitchens and the daughters-in-law were the only victims. Education and prosperity have only increased the practice of dowry. And prosperity has given rise to demands for costlier things. In fact, affluence is responsible for the system, she argues. All rich land-lords started the practice of giving riches to their daughters during marriage which slowly became a tradition among all of the society. Dowry system seems to be common amongst a section of Muslims too, though in the Shariah it is prohibited. The better the grooms educational qualifications, the higher the demand is the dowry to make up for the expense incurred on his education. They prefer to call it voluntary aid from the brides family though. They name it the happiness of brides parents. Though, among tribes, the dowry system works in the overturn direction the grooms family pays out money. 5.2 Dowry- main cause of domestic violence: Due to not giving Dowry to bride by her parents there has been a increase in death. Three examples are given here which are most likely to those which we read almost daily news papers: Young housewife burnt alive for dowry by his husband Woman ends life due to dowry harassment Woman killed for seeking dowry The giving or receiving of dowry usually money or gifts to is illegal. But the practice remains widespread in both rural and urban India with cases of women being tortured and even burned to death by their husbands and in-laws. 5. 3 Worst Drawbacks Dowry refers to a marriage practice in our society where gifts of cash or other valuable items are exchanged between the families of the bride groom. Dowry is paid in the form of cash, furniture, jewelry, property etc and it is paid before or during the marriage ceremony, sometime after marriage. The custom of giving Dory has changed it is now more essential part in good marriage and has taken a harmful form. This is a social practice carried out both in urban and rural areas in different manner according to the expectation. Violences related to Dowry Rape beating Acid throwing Female infanticide Forced suicide Homicide (as bride burring) According to researchers that dowry is the common cause to rise the domestic violence. Laws Implementation Strategies against Dowry Violence 6. Dowry and Islam Most of the marriages are arranged in the South Asian countries like Bangladesh, India and Pakistan. There are lots of rules and regulations before and after marriages, especially in Malabar area. As for the arranged marriages, the initial step is arranging a broker to find out appropriate bride or groom. After the completion of this procedure the broker would play as an intermediary between the two parties. Next step is prenuptial investigation. Both parties would investigate each other (via relatives or neighbors) about the family back ground, lineage and financial status. If both parties are satisfied with the investigation, the next step would take place. If the boy and girl liked each other, the final step prior to the confirmation would take place. Dowryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Eh..thats it..Dowry. Lets take a look upon the common people. How they manage to make a large amount (as for them) for dowry? They take severe struggles to give their daughters to appropriate grooms. Many poor families even tend to suicide due to this compulsory system if they have more than one girls to be married. Most of the divorces in India take place on account of dowry. After marriage some sisters would encounter severe harassments from husband or his family in terms of dowry. In this case, the wife can complaint against everyone whoever participated in this torture. As per the Indian Penal Code 498 A, the accused would be prosecuted with fine. Although the dowry makes many problems, the political parties and feminist organizations are keeping silence. Actually they dont raise their voice sincerely against the dowry system. They would only try to solve the individual problems. Plenty of dowry based marriages are going on with Malabar Muslims. Actually I dont know in which era this system crept int o Indian Muslims. One who knows Islam and Quran will never support this kind of system which is contrary to Islamic law and culture. Allah apparently explained about dowry via Quran. Dowry is privilege of women (not men). She deserves it out of her husband on marriage. And give to the women (whom you marry) their Mahr (Obligatory bridal money given by the husband to his wife at the time of marriage) with a good heart [Al Nisaa 4:4] But if you replace a wife by another and you have given one of them a cantar (of gold i.e. a great amount) as Mahr, take not the least bit of it back; would you take it wrong fully without a right and (with) a manifest sin? And how could you take it (back) when you have gone in unto each other, and they have taken from you a firm and strong covenant? [Al Nisaa 4:20-21] Explanation: If any one of you wants to divorce his wife and replace her with another, you should not take anything from what you have already given the first wife, even it was a huge amount of wealth. The Mahr is given in exchange for the right to enjoy marital relations (Explained by Ibn Katheer). Its obvious out of the above verses that women hold a prominent status in Islam. Dowry should be given to her on marriage. Its her right. But people follow just opposite irrespective to these verses. Islam lets men to accept any gifts from bride or her family. But this gift should not be dowry or upon any persuasions. He can only accept this gift if they are providing it based on their own will. But people misinterpret it (deliberately) and consider it as a compulsory dowry system. In fact men undervalue the right of women. After receiving a huge amount as dowry from girls family, he gives a bit from it to her as Mahr. 7. Conclusion: Best education is the best dowry. Parents are advised to educate daughters the best as the time has changed and it is time that education has more value in the employment market and fields have been opened for women to become entrepreneurs. Amount of dowry may be invested for her secured future. Girls parents should help reporting Governments or related authorities about the dowry demand by groom parents. Marriage with such boys should be discouraged as demand of excessive dowry means they do not want girl but money this would result to extortion after marriage by torture. Besides are arresting blacklisting in communities of dowry extorters most basics. Will help not only to deject, will also help other girl parents to keep away from such people. Our younger generation should come forward to rectify this trend and reform the society. They should set an example by neither demanding nor offering dowry. Those who demand dowry should be persuaded by explaining to them religious and Quranic commands. If they still persist in their evil demands, they should be socially boycotted and the matter reported to the police. Demanding dowry is a legal offence also. Anti-dowry committees should be set up. This will bring positive results for the unmarried daughters of the poor. These steps are in accordance with the commands of God and His Prophet. These will create a good society free of evil. Unless the younger generations volunteer for such noble tasks, no reformatory projects can succeed. 8. Suggestions Dowry is considered as an illegal act and giving and taking dowry are panelized. Even it is in practice in rural and urban areas in different ways. Government should pass Dowry Prohibition rule Violence against Women and Children. Both government and NGOs should work together to fight dowry problem and the steps they should take against dowry are: Activities against Dowry Creating awareness Educating women about the legal right Providing legal assistance Empowering women Campaigns against dowry

Friday, October 25, 2019

Priest Celibacy :: essays research papers

Fundamentalist attacks on priestly celibacy come in a number of different forms—not all compatible with one another. There is almost no other subject about which so many different confusions exist. The first and most basic confusion is thinking of priestly celibacy as a dogma or doctrine—a central and irreformable part of the faith, believed by Catholics to come from Jesus and the apostles. Thus some Fundamentalists make a great deal of a biblical reference to Peter’s mother-in-law (Mark 1:30), apparently supposing that, if Catholics only knew that Peter had been married, they would be unable to regard him as the first pope. Again, Fundamentalist time lines of "Catholic inventions" (a popular literary form) assign "mandatory priestly celibacy" to this or that year in Church history, as if prior to this requirement the Church could not have been Catholic. These Fundamentalists are often surprised to learn that even today celibacy is not the rule for all Catholic priests. In fact, for Eastern Rite Catholics, married priests are the norm, just as they are for Orthodox and Oriental Christians. Even in the Eastern churches, though, there have always been some restrictions on marriage and ordination. Although married men may become priests, unmarried priests may not marry, and married priests, if widowed, may not remarry. Moreover, there is an ancient Eastern discipline of choosing bishops from the ranks of the celibate monks, so their bishops are all unmarried. The tradition in the Western or Latin-Rite Church has been for priests as well as bishops to take vows of celibacy, a rule that has been firmly in place since the early Middle Ages. Even today, though, exceptions are made. For example, there are married Latin-Rite priests who are converts from Lutheranism and Episcopalianism. As these variations and exceptions indicate, priestly celibacy is not an unchangeable dogma but a disciplinary rule. The fact that Peter was married is no more contrary to the Catholic faith than the fact that the pastor of the nearest Maronite Catholic church is married. Is Marriage Mandatory? Another, quite different Fundamentalist confusion is the notion that celibacy is unbiblical, or even "unnatural." Every man, it is claimed, must obey the biblical injunction to "Be fruitful and multiply" (Gen. 1:28); and Paul commands that "each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband" (1 Cor. 7:2). It is even argued that celibacy somehow "causes," or at least correlates with higher incidence of, illicit sexual behavior or perversion.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Mother courage and her children Essay

By Bertolt Brecht, and Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, are both studies in the political activities and the history and evolution of a society. These plays hold political views that have survived for centuries. In response to the statement made about Bertolt Brecht, Mother Courage and Her Children and Hamlet both make a statement on politics and war. Mother Courage and Her Children was a story of a woman and her children during the Thirty Years War. Early on in the play, Mother Courage predicted that her children would meet their deaths due to the personality characteristics each had; Eilif would die for his bravery, Kattrin for her kindness, and Swiss Cheese for his honesty. As the play progressed, Swiss Cheese did die because of his honesty and Kattrin for her kindness. Mother Courage’s downfall was that she sought to profit from the war to provide for her family, turning a blind eye to her children’s safety. The play ended with Mother Courage moving on with the regiment. Brecht’s Mother Courage and Her Children has an intellectual anti-war message. War in every society is inevitable. However, Brecht took a biased view on this social reality, proclaiming an anti-war message. This message is intellectual because Brecht kept the emotion to a minimum. For example, when Swiss Cheese was executed, the event played out off stage (Brecht 41-42; scene 3). This kept the audience focused on the message Brecht was trying to get across. Brecht’s anti-war message also revealed itself in one of the major themes of the play, war as business. Mother Courage profited from the war, but it cost her her children. Mother Courage was so intent on profiting from the war and providing for her family that her children fell by the wayside. For example, Mother Courage does not pawn her wagon to pay for her son, Swiss Cheese’s, freedom from captivity. She was planning to do this, but when she realized that Swiss Cheese threw the cash box, the box she was planning to get the money from to buy her wagon back after she pawned it to save her son, into the river, she decided that she could not pawn her wagon. Swiss Cheese was then executed (Brecht 38-41; scene 3). Hamlet is the story of a ghost, Prince Hamlet, and a corrupt uncle. At the beginning of the play, Prince Hamlet sees the ghost of his father, the King of Denmark. Hamlet then discovers that his uncle, Claudius, murdered his father in order to become king and marry Hamlet’s mother. The ghost orders Hamlet to seek revenge on Claudius. Hamlet first determines Claudius’s guilt, then seeks to destroy him. Claudius fears for his life, and plots to kill Hamlet. At the end of the play, Hamlet is cut with a poisoned sword and dies, but not before exacting revenge on Claudius for his father’s murder. Shakespeare’s Hamlet also has political ties. Politics provide the setting and characterization for the play. The political situation in the play is apparently unstable. Claudius, Hamlet’s uncle and now King of Denmark, was a wicked politician under whose rule the state of Denmark was suffering. The deceased King Hamlet, Hamlet’s father, was a strong ruler, therefore the state was in good health. The presence of King Hamlet’s ghost was indicative that â€Å"something is rotten in the state of Denmark. † (Shakespeare 1. 4, 100) Hamlet therefore spent the entire play seeking revenge on his uncle. Like in Mother Courage and Her Children , war played a role, but not in the same way. There was an internal war between the members of the royal family in Hamlet. Claudius wanted power, therefore he murdered King Hamlet. This is an inevitable characteristic of human evolution, survival of the fittest. It is human nature to succeed in life. Like it was said in the statement about Bertolt Brecht, this characteristic of human nature is not susceptible to change. It is even seen today in corporate America; people scratch and claw their way to success, no matter who they have to hurt in the process. Such as Mother Courage profited monetarily from the Thirty Years War, Claudius profited politically from the murder of King Hamlet. At the beginning of the play, Claudius revels in his new position as King of Denmark. He thanks his subjects for their support and denies Hamlet’s request to return to the university in Wittenberg (Shakespeare 1. 2). Claudius enjoyed being king until the end of the play when Hamlet avenged his father’s death. The quote about Bertolt Brecht that stated that theater is a political statement and that society is not susceptible to change because of history and evolution is alive and well in both William Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Bertolt Brecht’s Mother Courage and Her Children. War, between both countries and states and family members, is inevitable due to human evolution. Certain individuals profit from these types of wars, such as Mother Courage profiting from the Thirty Years War and Claudius profiting from the death of King Hamlet. War is inevitable, it is how one copes with war that makes the difference. ? Brecht, Bertolt. Mother Courage and Her Children. New York: Arcade Publishing, 1941/1994. ? Miller, Arthur. Death of a Salesman. In ed. Gerald Weales. The Viking Critical Library. New York: Penguin Books, 1949/1967. ? Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. In ed. Barbara A. Mowat and Paul Werstine. The New Folger Library: Shakespeare. New York: Washington Square Press, 1603/1992.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Elimination of Ethnic and Religious Discrimination Essay

The word discrimination can be defined as, â€Å"treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit.† One large type of discrimination in the world of today is religious and ethnic discrimination. Religious and ethnic discrimination is when someone discriminates against another person based solely on their religious beliefs or background and their ethnicity. Unfortunately, religious and ethnic discrimination are problems which stretch across the globe and occur in almost every country. One of the most well known cases of religious discrimination was the Holocaust. For those of you who may be unfamiliar with it, the Holocaust was the genocide of approximately six million European Jews and millions of others during World War II. The Holocaust was led by Nazi-leader Adolf Hitler; he discriminated and disliked the Jews merely because they were Jewish. Rather than actually getting to know any of them and then judging their character once he was a bit more familiar with them, he made a superficial judgment, decided he disliked them, started to discriminate against them, and eventually led the Holocaust. He merely disliked and discriminated against them because of their religion, regardless of who they really were, that it pure religious discrimination. A well known example of ethnic discrimination is the segregation that occurred in the USA during the 20th century, more specifically the early to mid 20th century. Segregation is, â€Å"the enforced separation of different racial groups in a country, community, or establishment.† Schools, living properties, and even playground are just small few of the large amount that was segregated at that time. Although this delegation is not pleased to say it, there is religious and ethnic discrimination in Tunisia as well. Tunisian singer Salah Misbah says that he is constantly discriminated against because of the dark color of his skin, supposedly having been called names such as, â€Å"a dirty slave†. There are also some cases of religious discrimination in the constitution of Tunisia. It declares the country’s determination to adhere to the teachings of Islam, stipulates that Islam is the official state religion, and that the President be Muslim, therefore discriminating against all who are not Muslim. Also, The Government does not permit the establishment of political parties on the basis of religion and prohibits proselytizing, which means attempting to convert someone to your faith, by non-Muslims. Tunisia recognizes that discrimination of any kind is wrong, especially these two, and, for that reason welcomes the possible solutions to this problem. Although religious and ethnic discrimination may seem like a difficult problem to handle, there are solutions. Unjust discrimination of any kind can normally be linked with poor education. If children are taught well about other traditions, religions, and cultures they are less likely to discriminate against people of those backgrounds. Another, slightly harsher, possible solution could be for the government to adopt a no-tolerance policy in relation to religious and racial crimes. Out of fear of being punished, it might dissuade those who are inclined to commit religious and racial crimes. In conclusion, if the necessary education is given, and laws or tolerance polices set in place, it may decrease the amount of religious and ethnic discrimination around the globe. Unfortunately, try as we might it seems as if religious and ethnic discrimination are problems which may never be fully and completely eliminated and eradicated, but that will not stop Tunisia, and hopefully the rest of the UN, from trying our best to do so! Sources:

Civil Rights Movement essay

Civil Rights Movement essay Civil Rights Movement essay Civil Rights Movement essayThe rise of the Civil Rights movement was closely intertwined with and driven by the growing awareness of African American in their right to stand on the equal ground with white Americans. More important, African Americans realized that they can lead the organized struggle for their rights. As a result, they launched the civil action to gain equal rights and liberties compared to white Americans.The rise and progress of the Civil Rights movement was, to a significant extent, the result of the work of leaders of the African American community, such as Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and others. Martin Luther King has played a particularly important part in the development and overall success of the Civil Rights movement. He initiated and supported sit-ins, marches and other forms of non-violent protests. He promoted the idea of the non-violent struggle because he believed that through drawing the public attention to problems of African Americans, they could ch ange the attitude of the white Americans to racial minorities. In fact, Martin Luther King has proved to be right although the price he paid was too high but his assassination still contributed to the further enhancement of rights and liberties of African Americans due to the public turmoil caused by the crime.However, the provision of African Americans with equal rights and liberties did not lead to the consistent improvement of their position in the US society, at least, in a short-run perspective. Even though equal rights and liberties were what the Civil Rights movement looked for, still legislative changes did not give them equal opportunities, for example in the labor market. As a result, African Americans had to continue their struggle for equal opportunities.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Small pox essays

Small pox essays Remember having the Chicken Pox when we were little? If you never had Chicken Pox, it consists of having several small bumps that cover the entire body over and over, they itch, some would hurt, and all you would hope for would be for them to go away. Chicken Pox would last an average healthy person a few days. With Small Pox a person can run a high fever for up to eight days before the skin pustules will even appear (Concise). Small Pox is known scientifically as Variola, because it exists as one main strand, Variola Major. Small Pox is considered a virus, and is highly infectious. Small Pox can be spread airborne, directly, or even indirectly. Variola enters through the respiratory tract, then multiplies the other internal organs, the rash or pox signifies the peak stages of the infection (Britanica). The virus can live out side of the body for long periods of time. The virus has been found to survive in bales of cotton for 18 months. This was part of the problem in Europe, was that patients in the hospitals were getting contaminated by the bed linens. However, the most common way it was spread was airborne. Small Pox could be contracted from a carriers breath, or saliva (Grolier). The thing about Small Pox is that the virus was very sneaky. A person who had been vaccinated for the virus could still contract it, of course they would show no symptoms, and the virus would not directly affect them. Although this same could unknowingly spread the virus to someone else who has not been vaccinated The vaccination of Smallpox came from an English physician named Edward Jenner. Jenner had noticed that milk maids who had contracted Cowpox earlier in their lives were immune to the Smallpox virus (Concise). Therefore he decided to test his hypothesis. He took the lymph from Cowpox pustules on the hands of the milk maid, Sarah Nelmes, then he scratched ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Background(1000words) is a written explanation of the historical Essay

The Background(1000words) is a written explanation of the historical evolution of the particular human rights. (Slavery) - Essay Example With the passage of time, different legal and social anti-slavery movements emerged in different parts of the world. Although, the extent, forms and magnitude of human slavery has reduced as compared to our past, but it has not been completely abolished. The evolution of human freedom as a basic human right was observed between mainly the time period of 1815 and 1957, when 300 different international agreements were implemented against slavery (Weissbrodt, 2002). Nevertheless, slavery exists among us in various parts of the contemporary world, in spite of the anti-slavery legislations. Slavery is observed in a plethora of forms and shapes including, forced labour, human trafficking, bonded labour, child labour and descent-based slavery. To understand the contemporary forms of slavery and the current legislations against slavery it is essential to familiarize with the evolution of this human right over the past decades. Slavery was defined by an international agreement in the League o f Nations Slavery Convention as, â€Å"the status or condition of a person over whom any or all of the powers attaching to the right of ownership are exercised† (Weissbrodt, 2002). ... These forms consisted of domestic or predial slavery, acquisition of girls by purchase disguised as payment of dowry, adoption of children with the purpose of their enslavement and systems of compulsory labour either public or private and paid or unpaid (Weissbrodt, 2002). Down the history lane, slavery was practiced commonly and quite prominently in Greece and Rome, colonial Latin America and the Caribbean and the Southern states of the USA. Slavery emerged after the development of three basic ideas: the concept of personal property, the realisation that humans can also be used to improve an individual’s industry and the development of nations which led to the prisoners of war (Smith, 2013). In Greek culture, different forms of slaves were kept such as war slaves, household slaves and the common slaves. Subsquent laws protected the Greeks from enslavement, however it was followed by enslavement of non-Greeks. Similar cases of debt bondage and enslavement associated to it was observed in the Roman culture (Darren, 2003). The experience of enslavement, in the United States, of the Africans was a harsh and cruel one. According to historians, it was strongly connected to racial prejudice and the slaves were brutally treated, even killed without any action taken. Harsh punishments for small mistakes or acts of ‘disrespect’were given. Strong rebellions against the harsh dominance was observed in United States and it forms an important part of evolution of the human rights. The contemporary forms of slavery and the existance of enslavement practices highlights the ineffectiveness of the laws in various parts of the world. The ‘new’slavery is different from the ‘old’ slavery in many ways. There is no legal

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Flat World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Flat World - Essay Example The large video conferencing equipment as an indication of technological advances has in fact made the world move in the same direction as if under one time zone indicating further that the world is flat. However, the context of the levelled playing field in the context of business could have meant that the most progressive countries do not have the monopoly of all knowledge based business. Intelligence or knowledge is not exclusively spawned in progressive countries they are also present at some level in other countries. Even in the most adverse condition brilliance tends to shine and even outshines the brilliance emanating from progressive countries (Darling-Hammond, 2010). A company with little or limited capital is on the same playing field as those with tens of millions in their advertising and promotional marketing budgets and more in their pockets. A company with several hundred engineers in their talent pool can easily be eased out from a government contract by a company with only one brilliant engineer with the right invention (Ferrell, Hirt, & Ferrell, 2010). The internet has made all of these possible. Competition is not all about money now or who has the right connection or even the number of employees or buildings or even offices all over the world (Done, 2011). Talent and knowledge have become universal and within easy reach. Communicating directly with the talent with the knowledge has lessened the cost of its acquisition. All of these things considered the world have been made flat (Eve, 2011). Telecommunication The article mentioned the enormous investment poured into creating the infrastructure to support the colossal telecommunication system that is the foundation of the internet. Over the past several decades strides have been made to make everybody connected not just locally but internationally as well. This is evidenced not in audio transmissions alone but also in video transmissions as well. The number of companies or the syndication of t he capital needed to create the infrastructure did not simply come from one company in one particular country. Each country wanting to be part or connected to the internet highway have contributed their resources or that of the proponent companies in that country. These efforts have made the telecommunication industry borderless another indication of a flat world. It should be mentioned that being connected into the internet highway could open opportunities for the country no matter how small or how poor the country is (Crombie, 1976). Telecommunication is the great equalizer, the greater the bandwidth and the wider the reach of telecommunication infrastructure in every country all over the world the cheaper it gets. The fastest way to get in touch with clients is through the telephone. Clients who do not have the time and only function on the basis of trust and goods delivered to establish credibility will more and more dominate the international business climate. Since not all com panies or business owners have the budget or even the resources to conduct face to face business transactions thus the changing business landscape also reacts and adapts to the technological advances being made commercially available (Qiang & Pitt, 2003). Technology have made it possible for regular analogue phone, cable television or video frequency, radio or audio frequency, data transmission and even power or

Henri Matisse's The Dessert Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Henri Matisse's The Dessert - Essay Example The essay "Henri Matisse's The Dessert" discovers the artwork of Henri Matisse. His style also called for the use of flatter shapes to emphasize the use of the canvas, rather than creating three dimensions and offering a window into the scene. To further develop this flat and expressionist theme, he used organic and floral symbols, such as those seen on the table cloth. The chair, at bottom left, has a flatness to it as well—all of this showing that Matisse hoped to achieve independence from realism and his own expression in this painting. Matisse also had some indecision about the color—the painting was first green, then later he changed it and repainted things blue. Finally, before the piece was sent off to a Russian art collector, Matisse painted over the blue to make the painting red. Thus, it is apparent that colors were very important to the artist, and the emotions that colors inspired influenced him in deciding which color was appropriate. Overall, Matisse's ins piration for the painting was a desire to show what was within his own head, rather than to depict reality—he therefore used his own preference in color, light, and shape, and also avoided creating a focal point in the painting. Instead, he made a sort of scene with multiple subjects in it, and left nowhere for the eye to be drawn to as a center—a sort of protest against older styles that tried to be as precise in color, detail, shape, and scale as photographs may be while trying to draw the eye to a center point using proportions. and invisible lines. What I like most about this piece is that it makes a point of using non-traditional methods of expression and illustration. The Impressionist approach to painting creates a painting that offers a look into the artist's mind, and hence we see a far more unique scene or subject than would be possible if the artist was trying to depict the scene realistically. I also like how the scene uses a dominant color. The use of red as a sort of template color allows the addition of other colors to be more magnified, and thus the contrast against red becomes sharper and more impressive. The way the paint is mixed, the colors also appear very soft and simple, without any sort of gradient or overwhelming vividness. The painting also uses shape in a way that pleases my eye. The organic shapes on the table cloth are the obvious ones. If red is the defining color in the painting, then the curves of the vegetation are the defining shape. I also like how the patterns in blue are echoed in the shapes of the fruit, flowers, and also in the plants on the painting on the wall—the shapes all seem to be juxtaposed with little forcing, yet fit together harmoniously. This makes the painting very easy to look at, rather than a harsh clashing of hard, competing lines. The painting on the wall is another element that I like, as it creates a sort of surreal feeling in the paint—the irony of a painting within a paint ing. The painting is enclosed within a gold frame, and it thus has an obvious separation from the main scene, yet it still relates to the main scene both directly and indirectly. The indirect relation to the main scene is that the painting on the wall offers a pleasing contrast in color, in a way that really complements the entire color scheme. On the other hand, it also seems to be part of a larger set of colors across the whole painting that includes some of the fruits as a residual part of the concentration of green in the wall painting, while the red house and blue sky in the wall painting have the same relation to the larger scene. The final part about the painting that I

Human Resource Management Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Human Resource Management Questions - Essay Example For example, if there is an employment contract in existence, the employer and employee are subjects to terms spelled therein. Such a contract will provide circumstances under which an employee will be entitled to a termination as well as what actions constitutes a breach of the contract. It is thus advisable that the employer informs themselves of proper steps for firing an employee. An employer’s ability to lay-off an employee greatly depends on the groundwork set forth since the day they admit an employee in their system. This as follows: †¢ Have fairly designed rules This is to imply that an organisation must embody properly drafted and defined rules made known to every employee. †¢ Enforce the said regulations fairly Apart from the rules being fair in nature, they should get fair application to each employee without any discrimination. †¢ Problem documentation Employee’s misconduct and warnings so issued to them need proper documentation, which serves as evidence in case of eminent lawsuit. †¢ Proper incidence investigation There should be proper investigation for the problem in order to establish reasons for the employee’s deteriorated behaviour. After taking into account the above three steps an employer will have navigated liability cast upon them by unsatisfied laid off employees. The reason is that the employer will have a strong base upon which they can anchor their defence.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Answer Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Answer Questions - Essay Example There is hope in her revelation, but she says it as explained to her by Jesus. Both revelations and experiences preach the love of God, and the need to have a strong belief in him. Perpertua’s revelation shows God’s love and power, she saw a sign of victory over the devil. Julian’s revelations are also explanations of God’s love. She explains that irrespective of suffering caused by sin, God has a reason for it, and that reason is love. In one of her revelations, she explains how God loves us, and HE knows it is not our fault to sin, but he knows that sin brings pain, and so warns his people against sinning, but all is well for people will rejoice when they will understand the purpose of sin. They both understand human nature as having the body different from the soul and the spirituality of human beings. The body is considered the weak feature which leads humans to sin. St. Augustine for example, indicates that the sins committed by humans are of the flesh, but they corrupt the soul. Paul also indicates that flesh is the weak and powerless feature, therefore vulnerable to sin. Transformation in the human heart and soul comes from interaction between the features of human nature. Pauls believes that living by the Spirit is living a life free of sin. Augustine considers himself, a fully grown person spiritually, for he was no longer driven by ambition which was accompanied by â€Å"heavy servitude in the hope of wealth and reputation† They include; the excessive adoration of saints, corruption within the church, the justification that one must be saved through the church and faith, and the low intellectual and moral standards of the ordained priests, and that the scripture and tradition are of the same inspiration in Christianity. The prologue describes Jesus the person, and his ministry. In his interaction with Nicodemus, Jesus is shown as the son of God, and the teacher. The son of God is through

Hopis Anthropology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Hopis Anthropology - Essay Example Consequently, the view on the Hopi people’s origin is also a major question that is to be sought. The subject is relevant especially in the contemporary society since an academic study of past events and the origin of humanity are critical in enhancing cohesiveness. Hopi people should understand their past dealings and origin to pragmatically define their future. Anthropology enables individuals to establish the meaning of the archeological sites and cultural practices thus enables them to nurture the practices (Kuwanwisiwma, 161). The key perspectives of the subject appertains to enhancing understanding of the Hopi people on their origin, the significance of the archeological artifacts, ancestral sites and cultural practices. This is to; avoid erosion of their social and cultural heritage that contributes in enhancing mutual coexistence. However, critics oppose the understanding and advancement of past dealings asserting that the practices are part of the old order that does not hold relevance in this century. As noted, Hopi immigrants originated from Sipaapani (place of emergence) and travelled buried and lived in Hopistutskwa-Hopiland with their ancestors. The cultural landscape of the region is identified by landforms that hold great association with deities. The landscape also holds historical events, rivers, springs, shrines and the Itakuku as termed by the Hopi people that mean â€Å"our footprints† (Ferguson & Roger, 99). It is imperative to note that the cultural sites and events were crucial in executing traditional rituals including ceremonies. The footprints that include the pottery, stone tools, the ruins of former settlements and diverse artifacts are significant monuments that present undisputed proof of ancestral migration.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Human Resource Management Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Human Resource Management Questions - Essay Example For example, if there is an employment contract in existence, the employer and employee are subjects to terms spelled therein. Such a contract will provide circumstances under which an employee will be entitled to a termination as well as what actions constitutes a breach of the contract. It is thus advisable that the employer informs themselves of proper steps for firing an employee. An employer’s ability to lay-off an employee greatly depends on the groundwork set forth since the day they admit an employee in their system. This as follows: †¢ Have fairly designed rules This is to imply that an organisation must embody properly drafted and defined rules made known to every employee. †¢ Enforce the said regulations fairly Apart from the rules being fair in nature, they should get fair application to each employee without any discrimination. †¢ Problem documentation Employee’s misconduct and warnings so issued to them need proper documentation, which serves as evidence in case of eminent lawsuit. †¢ Proper incidence investigation There should be proper investigation for the problem in order to establish reasons for the employee’s deteriorated behaviour. After taking into account the above three steps an employer will have navigated liability cast upon them by unsatisfied laid off employees. The reason is that the employer will have a strong base upon which they can anchor their defence.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Hopis Anthropology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Hopis Anthropology - Essay Example Consequently, the view on the Hopi people’s origin is also a major question that is to be sought. The subject is relevant especially in the contemporary society since an academic study of past events and the origin of humanity are critical in enhancing cohesiveness. Hopi people should understand their past dealings and origin to pragmatically define their future. Anthropology enables individuals to establish the meaning of the archeological sites and cultural practices thus enables them to nurture the practices (Kuwanwisiwma, 161). The key perspectives of the subject appertains to enhancing understanding of the Hopi people on their origin, the significance of the archeological artifacts, ancestral sites and cultural practices. This is to; avoid erosion of their social and cultural heritage that contributes in enhancing mutual coexistence. However, critics oppose the understanding and advancement of past dealings asserting that the practices are part of the old order that does not hold relevance in this century. As noted, Hopi immigrants originated from Sipaapani (place of emergence) and travelled buried and lived in Hopistutskwa-Hopiland with their ancestors. The cultural landscape of the region is identified by landforms that hold great association with deities. The landscape also holds historical events, rivers, springs, shrines and the Itakuku as termed by the Hopi people that mean â€Å"our footprints† (Ferguson & Roger, 99). It is imperative to note that the cultural sites and events were crucial in executing traditional rituals including ceremonies. The footprints that include the pottery, stone tools, the ruins of former settlements and diverse artifacts are significant monuments that present undisputed proof of ancestral migration.

Study abroad Essay Example for Free

Study abroad Essay Having the chance to study Fashion Merchandising in Fashion Institute of Technology in the United States is a rare opportunity given to any international student.   My direct exposure to the fashion industry in New York has strengthened my knowledge on the complexities and competitiveness of the business.   However, my keen interest to succeed in this field should not begin and end in developing a strong fashion sense.   I also need to enhance my organization and networking skills and learn to deal with distributors and various markets around the world in order to be globally competitive. One of the steps that I need to take is to expand my social, cultural and economic horizon by taking Liberal Arts subjects in Yonsei University, the university that is known in developing students to become servant leaders to the world community. Since childhood, I have a keen interest in the field of fashion and as I continue to grow in knowledge about the intricate world of this industry, I am now at a stage where I want to prepare for an endeavor where I can combine both my interest and skills in fashion and my desire to create jobs for my countrymen in Korea.   Studying Liberal Arts would help me develop strong analytical stills and broad foundation of knowledge that would prepare me to cope in this highly competitive career. Yonsei University, being one of the leading universities in the world, has foreign enrollees from different parts of the globe.  Ã‚   Being with students of different nationalities would pave the way towards cultural appreciation and awareness that would help me design and market fashionable products using materials from different countries. Although being a Korean would give me the edge in adjusting to the country and to the local students in the university, I am still interested to gain more knowledge so I can share what I have learned to the students at Fashion Institute of Technology, New York.   This effort is my way of sharing my blessings to other students so they could apply the knowledge that they have gained from my experience to their field of endeavor.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Effects of Technical Education on India

Effects of Technical Education on India India is well known for its large pool of technical manpower, a fair proportion of which finds employment in developed countries, especially in the West. As a happy sequel to the story, India has recently witnessed a big boom in the BPO/KPO sector. In order to sustain this trend, and to ensure that India does not throw away this key advantage, it is imperative that we continue to produce a critical mass of highly skilled manpower at an accelerated pace. An enabling academic and economic setting is a key factor determining the fate of our nation in the wake of the knowledge sector boom. Indias growth in recent years has been led by the services sector. The most noticeable aspect has been the recent big boom in the BPO/KPO sector. This off-shoring trend is certain to continue and India faces the challenge of generating an appropriate supply response to retain its existing advantage. It should be noted that Indians spend nearly $4 billion annually to send their children abroad for higher studies and technical training while there is no reason for India not emerging as a global hub for higher education and technical training. The real challenge therefore, is to expand capacities in higher education to keep ahead of the curve of rising domestic and global demand. UN Secretary of State Hillary Clinton commended that the technical education in India as the best in the world, and she also suggested her country and India should work together in the field to help bridge the gap between talent and opportunities. Technical education in India was the best in the world. We need to work together in the field of educational opportunities, she said at an interactive discussion on education organized by Teach India, a NGO on 19th July 2009. GLOBALISATION The term globalization means integration of economies and societies through cross country flows of information, ideas, technologies, goods, services, capital, finance and people. Cross border integration can have several dimensions cultural, social, political and economic. In fact, some people fear cultural and social integration even more than economic integration. Nothing is permanent, only change is permanent. Globalization is a feature of changing world. It is no more a recent phenomenon in the world and since India is major player of twenty first ** Lecturer, Department of Commerce, Loyola College, Chennai 34. century we are facing its socio economic impacts. Initial enthusiasm for globalization as a beneficial set of processes has yielded to an understanding that the phenomenon is largely associated with increasing social inequality within and between countries as well as instability and conflict. Globalization is impacting the institutional framework in both developing and industrial countries. It is changing the way in which governments perceive their role in the society. It has also far reaching implications for socio economic development and educational systems of countries all over the World. With abundance of natural resources India has huge young and skilled man power to excel in every walk of life. Globalization is a contemporary term that has attracted considerable attention of educators throughout most of the world. It is a set of processes to integrate the world into one economic space through increased international trade, the internationalization of production, and telecommunication system (Stromquist Monkman, 2000). Although this definition is made from an economic view, globalization is increasingly connected to political, cultural, and educational influences. Recently, its relationship to education and culture has become important issues because information and innovation are the basic momentum of globalization. GLOBALISATION AND HIGHER EDUCATION According to the results of a special survey Higher Education: Free degrees to fly , higher education is already a global business. The days when higher education was a matter of national policy and government regulation are rapidly fading. Higher Education provisioning is now globalised and in many ways, a commercialized affair and the way that the State had in the goings on is vastly diminished. According to Andreas Schleicher of OECD, a Paris based Think Tank the numbers studying abroad were statistically negligible two decades ago. (Cited in the same survey in the Economist). According to the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the growth is now soaring: 2 million university students-approaching 2% of the worlds total of around 100 million studying outside their home country in 2003 (cited in Higher Education in the same article in Economist). Since the late 1990s the higher education market is growing by 7 per cent a year. The Economist Survey on higher education further in dicates that annual fee income alone is estimated at $ 30 billion. While private profit seeking companies have entered the education business, even government-controlled universities are seeking independence from governmental authority. However, many countries including India, continue to control the fee structure of their universities causing financial stress to foreign students, who are generally made to pay much higher fees than local students. This has resulted in many universities openly soliciting entry of foreign students. To facilitate this process they have even tailored their courses to international requirements besides appointing agents abroad and publicizing the offers widely in the media. TECHNICAL EDUCATION IN INDIA The history of imparting formal technical education in India can be traced back to mid 19th century, although it got momentum in 20th century with the set up of Constitution of Technical Education Committee of the Central University Board of Education (CABE) in 1943; Preparation of Sergeant Report in 1944 and Formation of All India Council of technical Education (AICTE) in 1945. With the country gaining independence in 1947, the development of technical education had become a major concern for the government of India to face the new challenges and move the country forward. The set up of Indian Institutes of Technology, Indian Institutes of Management and Indian Institutes of Science was a major step in the development of technical education in the country. The quality of education of these institutes have managed to change the outlook of India so much that this ancient country which was earlier known for yoga and mediation is now known for computer engineers. However, it does not mean that the challenge of making technical education accessible to the rural populace and other under developed sections of the society has been overcome. In order to maintain the standard of technical education, a statutory authority- The All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)- was set up in 1945. AICTE is responsible for planning, formulation and maintenance of norms and standards, quality assurance through accreditation, funding in priority areas, monitoring and evaluation, maintaining parity of certification and awards and ensuring coordinated and integrated development and management of technical education in the country. GLOBALIZATION EDUCATION AND HR DEVELOPMENT Knowledge is the driving force in the rapidly changing globalised economy and society. Quantity and quality of specialized human resources determine their competence in the global market. Emergence of knowledge as driving factor results in both challenges and opportunities. It is well known that the growth of the global economy has increased opportunities for those countries with good levels of education. Globalization has a multi-dimensional impact on the system of education. It promotes new tools techniques in this area like E-learning, Flexible learning, Distance Education Programs and Overseas training. Globalization will mean many different things for education. In the near future, it will mean a more competitive and deregulated educational system modeled after free market but with more pressure on it to assure that the next generation of workers are prepared for some amorphous job market of 21st century. Since Life long jobs have been converted in to yearly contracts there is still possibility of even short duration jobs. Our education system should deliver such education and training so that professionals can adjust themselves as per market expectations. It has underlined the need for reforms in the educational system with particular reference to the wider utilization of information technology, giving productivity dimension to education and emphasis on its research and development activities. The benefits of globalization accrue to the countries with highly skilled human capital and it is a curse for the countries without such specialized human capital. Developing and transition countries are further challenged in a highly competitive world economy because their higher education systems are not adequately developed for the creation and use of knowledge. Converting the challenges into opportunities depend on the rapidity at which they adapt to the changing environment. India is also following the global phenomenon. As part of globalization, the economic reform packages were introduced in India in the beginning of 1991. These reform packages imposed a heavy compression on the public budgets on education sector, more specifically so on higher education. This has trickled down to public expenditure on education in general, and higher education in particular. Indian government and Indian corporate sector has recognized the importance of management education in the changing global scenario. Today under the reforming economic conditions, integration of the Indian economy with world economy presupposes efficiency and competitiveness in the domestic front as well as in the international arena. As the process of globalization is technology-driven, and knowledge-driven, the very success of economic reform policies critically depends upon the competence of human capital. But, what is observed is the reverse. Even within the education sector, relative priority assigned to higher education has been on the decline (Table 1 and Chart 1). It is to be realized that higher education institutions play an important role in setting the academic standard for primary and secondary education. They are also responsible for not only providing the specialized human capital in order to corner the gains from globalisation, but also for training inside the country, provide policy advice, etc. Globalization is expected to have a positive influence on the volume, quality and spread of knowledge through increased interaction among the various states. Today our educational system is strong enough but Central and state governments should change their roles within the education system, re-inventing themselves as facilitating and supervisory organizations. Teacher training, infrastructure and syllabuses need to be urgently upgraded. Industry should come forward to share experience with students and to offer more opportunities for live Projects. The free market philosophy has already entered the educational world in a big way. Commercialization of education is the order of the day. Commercial institutions offering specialized education have come up everywhere. In view of globalization, many corporate universities, both foreign and Indian, are encroaching upon our government institutions. Our Institutes like IIMS and IITS have produced world class professionals. These institutes imparts quality education as per industry expectations and give due importance to Institute Industry Interface. Under the new scenario, Government Private partnership is becoming important in Management Education. Now India is a transforming country. We are near to achieve status of developed nation. The demand for higher education has been growing rapidly with comparatively faster growth in enrolment in higher educational institutions than the growth in number of higher educational institutions . The growth rates are doubled among the students enrolled in post-graduate and research, while the number of institutions for post-graduate and research studies has grown at a slower rate in 1990s than in 1980s. CHALLENGES Globalization leads to challenges and threats also. The major concern is to deliver world class education with updated curriculum and practical exposure. This is possible only by attracting talented experienced persons in to academics. At present it is difficult to assess not only the nature and dimensions of globalization, but also what it means to the field of education. A few educational researchers have attempted to make connections between the several dimensions of globalization and the policies of education. India is witnessing new era in the field of Management Education. Many Corporate groups like Reliance, Nirma, Tata, Sterlite etc. have promoted Management Institutes. Some reputed foreign universities are also coming to India. But Government should issue some guidelines so that fees structure remains with in certain limit and those who are from economically poor background have same opportunity. RECENT TRENDS In the wake of globalization process and to cope up with the changing priorities of the people, the planners are bound to revise their strategies in the education sector. Thus, several specialist committees, involving the elites and captains of industry and education, constituted by the Union ministry are engaged in the process. Whereas, the public interest demands a wider domain for the national debate on syllabus and curriculum reform among other related aspects. As usual there are several viewpoints of conflicting nature expressed by the captains of industry and education like Azim Premji, Prof.N.S.Ramaswamy, Kabir Mustafa and others. While there is a broad consensus on some points, some are almost at variance with each other. The common educational reforms that were endorsed by some of the eminent industrialists and academics include: Liberalize and deregulate the education system to encourage promotion of new schools, colleges, vocational and other institutions of higher education. Diligence higher education, confer institutional autonomy and decentralize syllabus design. Central and state governments should change their roles within the education system, re-inventing themselves as facilitating and supervisory organisations. Teacher training, infrastructure and syllabuses need to be urgently upgraded. The rapid growth of the software development and electronic communications industries is one of the few achievements of Indian industry in post-independence India. Further, because of strong hold of the English language in MNCs and corporate circles, the divide between rural and urban is almost complete in the field of education. In consequence, this great reservoir of skills and expertise offers the opportunity to utilize them for the spread of quality education through several technologies. Obviously, F.C. Kohli, the vice chairman of Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) recommended, Through the wider use of computers and technology, curriculums and faculties can be shared by schools and colleges across the country. Again the pace is set by a variety of private educational entrepreneurs, otherwise known as, Edupreneurs, who have promoted internationally recognized institutions of higher education such as the S.P. Jain Institute of Management in Mumbai; Amity University, Delhi; Indian Sch ool of Business and ICFAI Business School, Hyderabad; Mahavir Academy of Technical Sciences and Presidency College, Bangalore and the Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai, among others. Besides, some Indian Edupreneur are venturing overseas. These are all certain recent trends that undermine the very social obligations of our governments. OUTCOME OF GLOBALISATION The ramifications of globalization in India have been uneven. Education, as a service industry, is a part of the globalization process under the umbrella of General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS).Thus it is of now wonder that like in any other sector, globalization has bred inequality and dependence in the education system of the nation, especially higher education. Thus while a section of the population has benefited from globalization in their academic pursuits, the under privileged section has struggled to receive proper higher education due to excessive corporatization of education ,increasing fees and unavailability of opportunities in the lower strata of the society. India has some very bright spots of excellence in its technical education sector. The IITs and their alumni command great respect in the global market. Globalization has created a market based educational system in India. Thus there has been incredible growth of the number of technical colleges and universit ies providing technical education especially in fields like IT, Computer Science, electronics, architecture. As the job market in these sectors is flourishing, students after getting mere Bachelors degree hardly opt for higher education. Thus India over the years has produced some brilliant technicians but hardly any excellent educationist or a genius teacher. Moreover, as the cost of receiving such technical education is sky high, poor students have been out of the competition to receive higher education. CONCLUSION Given the importance of technical education in the further development of the nation, the Government of India is keen on developing some more institutes in the line of IITs, IIMs and IISCs. The Prime Minister of India has unleashed a plan to establish 8 IITs, 7 IIMs and 5 IISCs to improve the spread and quality of technical education in the country. These institutes along with various private institutes and foreign technical colleges have the potential of making technical education accessible to all sections of society in India without compromising on the quality of education. Education is an important investment in building human capital that is a driver for technological innovation and economic growth. It is only through improving the educational status of a society that the multi-faceted development of its people can be ensured. In the post-industrialized world, the advanced countries used to derive the major proportion of their national income not from agriculture and industry but from the service sector. Since the service sector is based on imparting skills or training to the students and youth, the education sector is the most sought after. It must provide gainful employment so that the sector is developed in a big way. It has also given rise to controversies relating to introducing changes in the inter-sectoral priorities in the allocation of resources leading to the misconceived policy of downsizing of higher education. It has also advocated privatization of higher education without realizing the danger of making the system a commercial enterprise.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Raw Power of A Streetcar Named Desire Essay -- Streetcar Named Des

The Raw Power of A Streetcar Named Desire      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Tennessee Williams's play A Streetcar Named Desire contains more within it's characters, situations, and story than appears on its surface. As in many of Williams's plays, there is much use of symbolism and interesting characters in order to draw in and involve the audience.   The plot of A Streetcar Named Desire alone does not captivate the audience.   It is Williams's brilliant and intriguing characters that make the reader truly understand the play's meaning.   He also presents a continuous flow of raw, realistic moods and events in the play which keeps the reader fascinated in the realistic fantasy Williams has created in A Streetcar Named Desire.   The symbolism, characters, mood, and events of this play collectively form a captivating, thought-provoking piece of literature.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A Streetcar Named Desire produces a very strong reaction.   Even at the beginning of the play, the reader is confronted with extremely obvious symbolism in order to express the idea of the play.   Blanche states that she was told "to take a streetcar named Desire, and then to transfer to one called Cemeteries".   One can not simply read over this statement without assuming Williams is trying to say more than is written.   Later in the play, the reader realizes that statement most likely refers to Blanche's arriving at the place and situation she is now in because of her servitude to her own desires and urges.   What really makes A Streetcar Named Desire such an exceptional literary work is the development of interesting, involving characters.   As the play develops, the audience sees that Blanche is less proper and refined than she ... into a reality which is not his own, yet somehow seems familiar. This realistic fantasy Williams creates with his brilliant use of symbolism, intriguing characters, and involving action in the play causes the reader to connect fully with the setting, characters, conflicts, and emotions within.    BIBLIOGRAPHY    Adler, Thomas P.   A Streetcar Named Desire: The Moth and the Lantern. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1990    Kernan, Alvin B.   "Truth and Dramatic Mode in A Streetcar Named Desire, In Modern Critical Views: Tennessee Williams."   Ed. Harold Bloom.   New York: Chealsea House Publishers, 1987    Quirino, Leonard.   "The Cards Indicate a Voyage on A Streetcar Named Desire, In Modern Critical Interpretations: Tennessee Williams's A Streetcar Named Desire."   Ed. Harold Bloom.   New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1988   

Saturday, October 12, 2019

netherlands :: essays research papers

Netherlands Location: Western Europe, bordering the North Sea, between Belgium and Germany Geographic coordinates: 52 30 N, 5 45 E Map references: Europe Area: total: 41,526 sq km land: 33,883 sq km water: 7,643sqkmArea - comparative: slightly less than twice the size of New Jersey Land boundaries: total: 1,027 km bordercountries:Belgium 450 km, Germany 577 km Coastline: 451 km Maritime claims: exclusive fishing zone: 200 NM territorial sea: 12 NM Climate: temperate; marine; cool summers and mild winters Terrain: mostly coastal lowland and reclaimed land (polders); some hills in southeast Elevation extremes: lowest point: Prins Alexanderpolder -7 m highest point: Vaalserberg 321 m Natural resources: natural gas, petroleum, arable land Land use: arable land: 25% permanent crops: 3% permanent pastures: 25% forests and woodland: 8% other: 39% (1996 est.) Irrigated land: 6,000 sq km (1996 est.) Natural hazards: flooding Environment - current issues: water pollution in the form of heavy metals, organic compounds, and nutrients such as nitrates and phosphates; air pollution from vehicles and refining activities; acid rain Environment - international agreements: party to: Air Pollution, Air Pollution-Nitrogen Oxides, Air Pollution-Persistent Organic Pollutants, Air Pollution-Sulphur 85, Air Pollution-Sulphur 94, Air Pollution-Volatile Organic Compounds, Antarctic-Environmental signed, but not ratified: Biodiversity, Climate Change-Kyoto Protocol Geography - note: located at mouths of three major European rivers (Rhine, Maas or Meuse, and Schelde) Netherlands People Top of Page Population: 15,981,472 (July 2001 est.) Age structure: 0-14 years: 18.38% (male 1,501,925; female 1,436,017) 15-64 years: 67.9% (male 5,518,575; female 5,333,442) 65 years and over: 13.72% (male 899,052; female 1,292,461) (2001 est.) Population growth rate: 0.55% (2001 est.) Birth rate: 11.85 births/1,000 population (2001 est.) Death rate: 8.69 deaths/1,000 population (2001 est.) Net migration rate: 2.34 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2001 est.) under 15 years: 1.05 male(s)/female 15-64 years: 1.03 male(s)/female 65 years and over: 0.7 male(s)/female total population: 0.98 male(s)/female (2001 est.) Infant mortality rate: 4.37 deaths/1,000 live births (2001 est.) Life expectancy at birth: total population: 78.43 years male: 75.55 years female: 81.44 years (2001 est.) Total fertility rate: 1.65 children born/woman (2001 est.) HIV/AIDS - adult prevalence rate: 0.19% (1999 est.) HIV/AIDS - people living with HIV/AIDS: 15,000 (1999 est.) HIV/AIDS - deaths: 100 (1999 est.) Nationality: noun: Dutchman(men), Dutchwoman(women) adjective: Dutch Ethnic groups: Dutch 91%, Moroccans, Turks, and other 9% (1999 est.) Religions: Roman Catholic 31%, Protestant 21%, Muslim 4.4%, other 3.6%, unaffiliated 40% (1998) Languages: Dutch total population: 99% (2000 est.

Friday, October 11, 2019

A Successful College Student Essay

Successful means accomplishing or achieving an aim or a goal, a purpose. A College is an educational institution which can gain knowledge by students. Student can further their education at college after graduated from high school or secondary school. Student is the one who is studying at a school or a college, and student can also defined as a learner. College student can take any courses that they are interested in a college or university. Students who choose to further their study in college is the most important steps to being success, and successful college student is start from choosing the correct subject, which is the student wanted or interested in the subject. But a lot of the students are studying the subject that their parents want them to study, but not the subject that they want. Choose the correct subject is the first steps of being success, so you must fight for it, because you are allowed to decide your future. There are a lot of types of student in the college, different types of student have different kind of goal or aim. But most of the students’ goal is to be a successful college student. To be a successful college student is not that easy, some of the students think that get well result in their academic is consider a successful student. , but this idea is definitely wrong. A successful college student does not mean the smartest in the class, the best result in academic student, the word â€Å"success† means success in various aspects. A successful student must set realistic goals and targets to motivate themselves. Although goals must be challenging but must be realistic, do not set the goals which are impossible to achieve. Goals should be measurable and specific, better to include a deadline for accomplishment. Short-term goals or small goals is easily to complete and can be accomplished quickly. Short-term goals can be set by monthly, weekly, or even tough daily, such as hand in assignment on time, do extra exercise, or master in a new chapter and etc. However, a student must have the act and behavior like a student in the college. At college, some of the students attend to class late or refuse to attend class, especially the subject which cannot forbid student to the final exam. The successful student must attend every class on time, unless have forgivable reason. Next, good student should be sit in front of the class, listen every word from lecturer and try to understand it. Students should not be afraid to ask when don’t understand on something, if student is having difficulty on study can always take advantage of the tutoring session, it is useful and beneficial to student. Besides, prepare before the class started and take the note down when the lecturer is explaining, then review after class, do more than just listened is one of the tips to become successful. Spend around 30-45minutes to review all the notes which have been taken in the class, and try to understand concepts instead of memorize all the details, use the shortcut learning skill in study, because successful student must work smart but not work hard. And then, hand in all the work that given by the lecturer on time, because successful student will take responsibility for their education. They don’t even waste a minute with doing nothing. To become a successful college student must learn on time management. Properly manage the time between study and also fun time. Set a weekly schedule which contains study time, fun time, sport time, and also family time. Although sometime we have not enough time for us to do what we want to do, but we must give a little time for our family, even though a period of dinner time. Study is very important to a student, but the over study will lead to the worse situation. In fact, don’t forget to relax from the challenging study, take a short break between study sections, and have a good rest for further journey. Furthermore, good looking is not the must, but good dressing is the must. Student must have the look of student, not to wear like a hoodlum, they should always keep ourselves neat and clean. Have at least one time bath everyday to keep ourselves clean, and wash and change the clothes everyday, do not wear same cloth in two days. Otherwise, keep ourselves health is also one of the steps to be a successful college student. Successful student should always keep their energy in high level, for instance, have 8 hours sleeping time for everyday, keep doing exercise everyday or at least 4 days in a week. Don’t always skip meal with the reason busy or no time to eat, eat three meals a day is the must and eat well with healthy food but not fast foods. To maintain a healthy lifestyle, a successful student should always have the positive mind thinking and stay free from drugs and also alcohol. Drugs and alcohol will affect our brain and slowed our reaction, in long-term, our brain will damaged. Communication skill is the worse skills of student nowadays, student do not know how to communicate with each other, they communicate well with using online chatting, email or sms, but not proper speaking with each other. Successful student must be good in communication and socialize skills. To improve the skills, involve yourself in different kind of activities, such as become member in a club, join community, and etc. Moreover, involve yourself in the camp can train your leadership, leadership is very important, because he or she carries the risk of whole group. Besides that, friendship can also be create on the camp activities, all of the student will work together and help out each other to complete a mission that given by tutor. While they are completing the mission, the solving skill of student has been trained. Communication and participation skills will be improved when accomplishing a mission or an activity, because they will discuss to solve the problem that face by them together. Camping really brings a lot of advantages and it helps students to gain extra skills, create a large social network, which might lead student to become successful. The good activities are good for us but must not involve yourself in illegal activities such as gambling, fighting, stealing and etc, it might get you in to trouble. Study is good but not just concentrate on it only, try to have fun during college, but fun time and serious time must manage wisely, not too concentrate on study and left out community and time for fun. A suitable reward for the hard work of many nights are needed to a student to relax our stress and refresh our messy mind. Conclusion, tips to become successful college student have been mentioned on above. Although no one is perfect, but every students have to try their best to achieve their goal, which is to became a successful student. Finally, a successful college student must have a good behavior, even you are a talent, good behavior is very important, because how you treat people, is the same way how people treat you back. The last tip for student is learn how to learn, because a great education is one of the most important things in our life.