Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Background(1000words) is a written explanation of the historical Essay

The Background(1000words) is a written explanation of the historical evolution of the particular human rights. (Slavery) - Essay Example With the passage of time, different legal and social anti-slavery movements emerged in different parts of the world. Although, the extent, forms and magnitude of human slavery has reduced as compared to our past, but it has not been completely abolished. The evolution of human freedom as a basic human right was observed between mainly the time period of 1815 and 1957, when 300 different international agreements were implemented against slavery (Weissbrodt, 2002). Nevertheless, slavery exists among us in various parts of the contemporary world, in spite of the anti-slavery legislations. Slavery is observed in a plethora of forms and shapes including, forced labour, human trafficking, bonded labour, child labour and descent-based slavery. To understand the contemporary forms of slavery and the current legislations against slavery it is essential to familiarize with the evolution of this human right over the past decades. Slavery was defined by an international agreement in the League o f Nations Slavery Convention as, â€Å"the status or condition of a person over whom any or all of the powers attaching to the right of ownership are exercised† (Weissbrodt, 2002). ... These forms consisted of domestic or predial slavery, acquisition of girls by purchase disguised as payment of dowry, adoption of children with the purpose of their enslavement and systems of compulsory labour either public or private and paid or unpaid (Weissbrodt, 2002). Down the history lane, slavery was practiced commonly and quite prominently in Greece and Rome, colonial Latin America and the Caribbean and the Southern states of the USA. Slavery emerged after the development of three basic ideas: the concept of personal property, the realisation that humans can also be used to improve an individual’s industry and the development of nations which led to the prisoners of war (Smith, 2013). In Greek culture, different forms of slaves were kept such as war slaves, household slaves and the common slaves. Subsquent laws protected the Greeks from enslavement, however it was followed by enslavement of non-Greeks. Similar cases of debt bondage and enslavement associated to it was observed in the Roman culture (Darren, 2003). The experience of enslavement, in the United States, of the Africans was a harsh and cruel one. According to historians, it was strongly connected to racial prejudice and the slaves were brutally treated, even killed without any action taken. Harsh punishments for small mistakes or acts of ‘disrespect’were given. Strong rebellions against the harsh dominance was observed in United States and it forms an important part of evolution of the human rights. The contemporary forms of slavery and the existance of enslavement practices highlights the ineffectiveness of the laws in various parts of the world. The ‘new’slavery is different from the ‘old’ slavery in many ways. There is no legal

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