Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Anorexi A Call For Help - 1882 Words

Anorexia: A Call for Help Many people are not sure what it means to have or be around someone who has Anorexia Nervosa. Anorexia is one of the leading causes of death in young women, and a crippling mental illness that can potentially ruin a person’s life (Kranz and Maloney 8). About one in 250 girls has suffered with some type of eating disorder at a point in their lives. This disease is taking over the lives of many young women, and we need to help stop it. Anorexia, which comes from the Greek words an- meaning without and orexis which means appetite is a very complicated eating disorder. An eating disorder is a condition in where a person becomes obsessed with food, whether it is avoiding food or overeating. The eating disorder†¦show more content†¦Some of the reasons are physical abuse, mental abuse, low self-esteem, genetics, and hormones. When a child is younger, almost everything has an impression on her even if she does not think it will. For example, if a teenager was hit a lo t when she was younger, it can lead to anorexia or bulimia or even something worse. Physical abuse can often times trigger a young person to be unhappy with his or her body and want to change it drastically. However, it has not been proven that it can cause an eating disorder. Another possible cause for eating disorders can be mental abuse. Mental abuse can be caused from something tragic that recently happened in the person’s life, such as a divorce or a parent’s dying. Low self-esteem is another highly responsible cause for eating disorders. Low self-esteem can be brought on by a number of things. Some people with anorexia may have previously been a compulsive eater or even overweight at one point in their life (Kranz and Maloney 52). These types of things can sometimes cause a person to feel as though his or her body is not good enough and they need to fix it. Some people also believe that an eating disorder can belong in someone’s genes. Certain e ating disorder may in fact be traced back to other family members who once suffered from them or similar disorders. Other aspects play a role in eating disorders

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