Saturday, November 2, 2019

Changing Roles of Women over Time Research Paper - 1

Changing Roles of Women over Time - Research Paper Example The overall impact of the research will be recollected in the conclusion. Works cited page would be added to a last page of the document. Women in present times are free and happy as compared to the women in last century or before. Over the centuries, women have been thought of a lesser creature, always under subjugation by males in the form of father, brother, husband or boyfriend. After living for centuries under the domination of men, women even tend to forget they were free. This situation started changing over last century especially in Europe and America where women started achieving more freedom. In the nineteenth century and before, women had a very less breathing space and rights. Many families and especially women were raised to behave in a certain way. It was almost a law and the way of being. Women were not given freedom since the beginning of time mainly on the pretext of being physically weak. Women were able to attend schools not very far back in time. Along the year's women rights have grown from very few to too many by now. The women had been suppressed based on self-defense, economic well being, empl oyment, sex, harassment, family, abortion and many more reasons. The movement for women’s rights arose in the early 19th century as an offshoot of abolitionism, the anti-slavery movement that declared each human being to be a self-owner. As with other abolitionists, the early feminists were individualists who drew inspiration from the Declaration of Independence and its principles of individual rights and responsibility. â€Å"The first women’s Rights convention was held in 1848 at Seneca Falls, New York. Elizabeth Cady Stanton gave a speech about the Declaration of Sentiments. During this speech, she declared that men and women are created equal. This is truly considered the beginning of the women’s movement† (Women and freedom).

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