Monday, November 18, 2019

The Prescott High School Regression Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Prescott High School Regression - Case Study Example Regression analysis, however, offers a more reliable analysis of the relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variables. The analysis develops a model for the relationship and tests the following hypothesis. HO: ÃŽ ²HSGPA =ÃŽ ²SATSCORE =ÃŽ ²RECOMENDATION= 0, There is no significant relationship between the dependent and the independent variablesHA: any of the ÃŽ ²s, There is a significant relationship between the dependent and the independent variablesAppendix 7 shows the ANOVA results and from the results, the alternative hypothesis is significant for the general model (F=19.3151, p= 0.000< 0.05). The model further explains a significant proportion of the data, 48.65 percent, based on the adjusted R squared value. Appendix 8 shows the results for coefficients. The intercept (t= -1.69, p= 096) and quality of letter or recommendation (t= 0.87, p= 0.383) are not significant while high school score (t= 2.66, p= 0.01) and SAT total score (t= 3.97, t= 0.000) are sig nificant. Running a regression analysis with the significant variables yields the results in Appendix 9. The results in Appendix 10 show a significant relationship between college GPA and both high school GPA and total SAT score. The intercept is not significant but coefficients are and the following model represents the relationship.The model that includes only significant independent variables is better in predicting the scores because it eliminates effects of the other variables that can be attributed to error.

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