Friday, May 22, 2020

The American Revolution The First Successful Rebellion...

The American Revolution is perhaps one of the most significant changes in international history as the first successful rebellion by a colony against its European parent. It brought along with it new concepts of government and democracy, changing many preexisting viewpoints of how the distribution of representation and power would be managed by a country’s citizens and residents. One such viewpoint which began a movement that would last into the next century was slavery, particularly of African Americans. Africans were brought from their continent against their will be European slave traders to supply the burgeoning manufacturing and plantation industries in the New World. The abolitionist ideas were started in Europe and made their way to America where those with decision making power, land-owning white males, began debating whether the validity of such a system should persist or not. At the same time, there were freed African Americans who took upon themselves the task to advance the betterment of their population. African Americans were limited in the extent to which they could promote and spread freedom due to their inability to vote and truly be represented. However, in raising awareness within their own community and working with white abolitionists who had voting rights and better representation, they were able to promote and spread awareness about ending slavery and freeing African Americans between the 1770s and 1850s to improve their quality of life in theShow MoreRelatedResistance Of Slavery During African Americans1656 Words   |  7 Pagesslavery in the Caribbean started before African Americans even set foot on the ships that took them on the middle passage across the Atlantic ocean to the Caribbean islands. Slave rebellions and maroonages started to take place in Caribbean slave society during the 18th and early 19th century. 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